SAISA North Points 6

Scores for Division B

1Episcopal  of JacksoEpiscopal School of Jacksonville22Stella Herford '26
ESJJulia Dinzelbacher '251-4,7
No show5-6
2Academic MagnetAcademic Magnet High School26William McCarty '261-7
Raptors AHank Houseal '271-2,5-7
Clayton Kotz '273-4
3Porter-GaudPorter-Gaud School29William "Jackson" Shealy '261-4
Robertson Allen '265-7
CyclonesTucker Payne '271-4,7
Evan Nussbaum '265-6
4James Island CharterJames Island Charter High School30Noah Dailey '27
VarsityCharlie Bell '251-2,5-7
Beckett Holley '253-4
5WandoWando High School34Lilianna Harris '271-4,7
Jack McCluskey '275-6
WarriorsColin Metz '281-4
Caroline Larrabee '255-7
6John T. HoggardJohn T. Hoggard High School36Gavin Crowell '28
Vikings VarsityGeorge Adams '25
7Lucy BeckhamLucy Beckham High School46Leland Morrison '271-4
Gresham Kinard '265-7
BengalsJacqueline Casey '271-7
8New Bern High School52Izzy Humphries '25
NB Bears SailingFiona Sommers '26
*9Eugene AshleyEugene Ashley High School72Ryden Jarvis '27
Screaming EaglesCarter Finger '27
*10AquinasAquinas High School72Ian Sternkopf '271-2,5-7
Marco Pryor '263-4
Fighting IrishMarco Pryor '261-2,5-7
Ian Sternkopf '273-4
*11Hough HSHough High School73Barry Kaplan '271-7
HuskiesConnor Wemple '271-7
*12Bishop Kenny FLBishop Kenny High School - FL73Kirt Harrington '26
Bishop KennyEli Veniard '271-2,5-6
Lily Veniard '273-4,7
13WaccamawWaccamaw High School84Virginia (GG) Smith '261-7
Waccamaw WarriorsCaroline Keyes '271-2
Collin Nalley '253-4
Duncan Rutherford '285-6
Lucas Sellers '287
14Pine Lake PrepPine Lake Prep87Grant Gerst '271-4
Allson Foess '265-9
VarsitySienna Dingwell '27
15St. Vincent's Academy105Ella Carroll '26
Saints VarsitySarah Mountjoy '27
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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