SAISA North Points 6

Scores for Division A

1John T. HoggardJohn T. Hoggard High School23Finn Bell '26
Vikings VarsityEleanor Wright '26
2Bishop Kenny FLBishop Kenny High School - FL29Finn Robinson '25
Bishop KennyAndrew Kubler '28
3Academic MagnetAcademic Magnet High School30Mason Fisher '261-7
Raptors AElizabeth Hample '251-7
4New Bern High School34Graham Foster '26
NB Bears SailingMaegon Voegtlin '25
5James Island CharterJames Island Charter High School42Jackson Fisher '26
VarsityGeorgia Montgomery '26
6Eugene AshleyEugene Ashley High School49Griffin Frye McCoy '26
Screaming EaglesDagny Finger '26
7Porter-GaudPorter-Gaud School52Granger Osborne '261-6
Walker Glenn '267
CyclonesLizzie Meden '261-2,5-6
Harry Goldberg '263-4,7
*8Pine Lake PrepPine Lake Prep55Narayan Schmoyer '26
VarsityAllson Foess '261-6
Nash Beshears '2771
*9WandoWando High School55Madeleine Harris '251-7
WarriorsJack Lima '271-7
10Episcopal  of JacksoEpiscopal School of Jacksonville58McRae Busey '25
ESJMaya Jones '261-2,5-7
No show3-4
11Lucy BeckhamLucy Beckham High School69Anna Connolly '261-7
BengalsCharlotte Casey '251-7
12Hough HSHough High School73Camden Cockrill '281-7
HuskiesBrinley DeAtley '281-7
13AquinasAquinas High School83Hailey Bagnoni '281-7
Fighting IrishHenry Knox '261-7
14WaccamawWaccamaw High School86Stevie Paris '251-7
Waccamaw WarriorsLiam Crosby '281-2,5-6
Lucas Sellers '283-4
Elise Wahl '257
15St. Vincent's Academy102Julia Ball '26
Saints VarsityArden Aguzzi '28
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1Hough HS sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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