PCISA Gaucho Regatta - Gold

Scores for Division A

1Point LomaPoint Loma High School47Ian Nyenhuis '251-8
Pointers 1Skye Terrell '251-4,7-8
Madeline Kirby '285-6
2Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School57Maddie Nichols '271-10
Sea Kings 1Isabella Clark '251-10
3Mater DeiMater Dei High School62Tate Christopher '251-12
Monarchs 2Madison Mansour '261-12
4The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco76Caleb Everett '261-8
BreakersAnna Rauh '261-8
5Point LomaPoint Loma High School82Kousei Hatter '271-8
Pointers 4Taylor Ashton '261-8
6San MarcosSan Marcos High School85Carly Kieding '25
Royals 1Taylor Escola '27
7Mater DeiMater Dei High School94Kingston Keyoung '271-12
Monarchs 4Sophia Corzine '261-12
8Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School96Siena Nichols '271-10
Sea Kings 2Isabel Lewis '261-10
9Dos PueblosDos Pueblos109Emerson Wadell '28
ChargersNicholas Daniele '27
10Santa BarbaraSanta Barbara High School111Crue Ziskind '25
DonsGrant Long '26
*11Marin CatholicMarin Catholic113Leo Robillard '251-12
WildcatsStella Ward Turko '271-12
*12Mission BayMission Bay High School113Kaden Miller '251-8
BuccaneerBridget Buettner '261-6
Indigo Craig '257-8
**13Point LomaPoint Loma High School114Oscar Parzen '261-8
Pointers 2Kristin Hawkins '251-8
**14Cathedral CatholicCathedral Catholic High School114Owen Fretwell '261-12
Dons 1Carlin Fretwell '261-12
15Mater DeiMater Dei High School122Brady Kennedy '251-12
Monarchs 3Madison Jones '261-12
b16Santa MonicaSanta Monica High School126wills stratton '25
VikingsEames Weeks '25
b17Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School126Lincoln Betz '281-10
Sea Kings 3Jonah Moore '271-10
18Point LomaPoint Loma High School127Kevin Cason '271-8
Pointers 3Paige Tillson '261-6
Zachary Wolff '267-8
19Newport HarborNewport Harbor High School129Conrad Cook '251-8
Sailors 1Madison Jo '281-8
20Mater DeiMater Dei High School131Walter McFarland '251-12
Monarchs 1Olivia Norton '271-11
21San MarcosSan Marcos High School136Sam Wells '26
Royals 2Paul McClain '26
22AlamedaAlameda High School139Reid Sojka '261-18
HornetsTristan Banthi '281-18
23Cathedral CatholicCathedral Catholic High School165Liam Kaseburg '261-12
Dons 2Charlie Corney '261-12
24RedwoodRedwood High School167Rhett Krawitt '261-12
GiantsAkira Bratti '261-12
25Newport HarborNewport Harbor High School171Cash Espinoza '251-8
Sailors 2Milana Dedriech '281-8
26Mira CostaMira Costa High School174Gabe Hasen '25
MustangsTruman Schroeder '28
27CrossroadsCrossroads176Harry Bryan '25
VarsitySloane Davis '27
28Francis ParkerParker189Emily Otto '261-2,5-6
Fia Cattaneo '273-4
ParkerFenja Bahrenburg '25
29Los AlamitosLos Alamitos High School195Stewart McCaleb '26
GriffinsSavvy Harris '29
30Harvard-WestlakeHarvard-Westlake198Matthew Commons '251-12
Harvard-WestlakeSean Ozalpasan '251-2
Mira Goldman '273-4
31South TorranceSouth Torrance High School227Joaquin DesRochers '25
SpartansArianna Yiakas '27
32Design TechDesign Tech High School253Skye Crawford '251-10
DragonsJohn Nix '251-10
*Number of high-place (3) finishes
**Number of high-place (2) finishes
bNumber of high-place (4) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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