Girls Catholic Schools Regatta

Scores for Division A

1Mater DeiMater Dei High School19Olivia Corzine '281-7
Monarchs 1Jasmine Dandler '281-2,5-6
Maddie Liu '283-4,7
2St. JosephSt. Joseph High School28Elizabeth Nash '28
JestersKaya Gagnon '27
3Mater DeiMater Dei High School32Sophia Corzine '26
Monarchs 2Sophia Groenhuyzen '27
4Archbishop SpaldingArchbishop Spalding35Ann Martino '25
CavaliersEmily Julian '28
5St. StanislausSaint Stanislaus44Karoline Burroughs '261-7
Rock-A-ChawsEmma Harris '271-7
6Saint Joseph AcademySaint Joseph Academy (OH)48Olivia Schaffner '261-7
VarsityAllison Pruss '251-7
7Loyola AcademyLoyola Academy49Ana Bradley '26
Ramblers 1Gianna Scandariato '27
8Notre Dame PreparatoNotre Dame Preparatory School64Claire Rowland '26
Blazers 1Gina Varacalle-Goetz '27
9Marin CatholicMarin Catholic65Stella Ward Turko '27
WildcatsZoe Bruce '26
10Loyola AcademyLoyola Academy66Laura Koszeghy '26
Ramblers 2Lia Nafe '25
11Notre Dame PreparatoNotre Dame Preparatory School68Sophia Hammond '26
Blazers 3Eloise Graf '261,4-5
Charlotte Borsella '282-3,6-7
12St. Ursula AcademySt. Ursula Academy71Margaux Newman '251-7
BulldogsLindsey More '251-7
13Nolan CatholicNolan Catholic High School85Lily Moody '26 *
VikingsPenelope Potter '29
14Ursuline AcademyUrsuline Academy87Caroline Rozands '251-7
Lions 1Ceceilia Zinsel '251-7
15Ursuline AcademyUrsuline Academy97Alexandra Sanchez '251-5
Danielle Kiper '286-7
Lions 3Ellena McGuire '251-5
Lydia Brown '286-7
16Ursuline AcademyUrsuline Academy99Estella Holland '261-2,6-7
Piper Long '273-5
Lions 2Lauren Galligan '251-7
17Notre Dame PreparatoNotre Dame Preparatory School115Katy Stansbury '27
Blazers 2Izzy Norgaard '26

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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