Scores for Division B

1CarlmontCarlmont24Anna Stolyarova '251-10
The ScotsLeo Leckey '251-10
2Oakland TechnicalOakland Technical High School27Garrett Connorton '27
Oakland TechWilliam Delaney '28
3Francis ParkerParker39Fia Cattaneo '27
ParkerMyra Siddiqi '27
4The Bishop'sBishop's School44Cameron Rosso '27
KnightsSarah Balfour '28
*5Pacific Palisades ChPacific Palisades Charter High School46Katelyn Chang '271-5
Pacific Palisades ChMarin Purdy '281-5
*6San Pedro High School46Kennedy Hildebrand '27
PiratesBradley Uyematsu '25
*7PV PeninsulaPalos Verdes Peninsula High School46Julia Musial '26
PanthersLada Nosar '26
8StevensonStevenson School47Tommy O'Hara '29
PiratesClaire Lee '26
9La JollaLa Jolla High School56Malia Wilke '281-5
VikingsKatie McQuaid '281-4
No show5
10Mountain View High School (CA)63Adrian Maciuca '251-10
Mountain ViewLucia Wheeler '271-10
11BerkeleyBerkeley High School68Owen Alper '26
Yellowjacketscecilia de la Torre '261-2
Lila Rodet '273-12
12Redondo UnionRedondo Union High School71Dylhan Bajaj '281-4
Maya Cortez '285
Sea HawksMaya Cortez '281-4
Hailey Elias '285
13St Mary's CollegeSaint Mary's (Berkeley, CA)73Shai Osorio '25
VarsitySebastian Barker '27
14Burlingame High School74Noah Jandial '271-101
BurlingameLucia Hayes '261-10
*15CarmelCarmel High School80Nate Burgstone '281-52
PadresEliana Emerson '291-5
*16San DomenicoSan Domenico High School80Praire Press '261-4
Seamus Crain '265-10
PanthersXander Helming '261-4
Dylan Song '255-10
17Design TechDesign Tech High School82Mason McHale '271-10
DragonsAvery Brottem '281-10
18Pacific GrovePacific Grove High School86Edward Shelton '271-5
BreakersJames Archer '271-5
19Blue and Gold89Ava Reas '26
VarsityLily Yao '263
*20CoronadoCoronado Islanders96Fiona Toohey '281-2,5
Zak Stone '273-4
IslandersCailey Song '271-2,5
William Bosworth '273-4
*21St. Joseph Notre DamSt. Joseph Notre Dame HS - Alameda, CA96Tyrus Hall '27
St Joseph Notre DameReuben Butt '27
22Archbishop RiordanArchbishop Riordan99Eva Bennett '251-4
Charly Petty '295-10
CrusadersKaia Burris '271-2
Tommy Horner '283
Charly Petty '294
Eva Bennett '255-10
23TamalpaisTamalpais High School100Vaugn Neumann '271-4
Cameron Collman '265
Red Tailed HawksStewart Walker '271-4
Sloane Murphy '275
24St. John BoscoSt. John Bosco High School103Roman Galindo '25
BravesMichael Beaird '25
25MontereyMonterey High School108Alex Wullschleger '261-34
Elora Shester '284
ToreadoresMatthew Hollins '281-4
26EncinalEncinal High School113Ava Estilaei '27
JetsKatie Koh '275
27CampolindoCampolindo High School118Leela Cargain '29
CougarsKaivo Kadai '251-36
Madison Kahn '294-12
28AlamedaAlameda High School119Zach Siskind '28
HornetsCharles Maxey '25
29St. Ignatius CollegeSt. Ignatius College Prep - San Francisco122Lucas Shum '28
WildcatsLauren Yu '271-4,7-8
Jack Laipply '275-6,9-10
30Palos VerdesPalos Verdes High School124Leland Howard '26
Sea KingsGeorge Faragallah '27
31The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco128JT Scott '28
BreakersAsher Ellis '27
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1Mountain View (CA) sailor
2Stevenson sailor
3Harvard-Westlake sailor
4Kehillah sailor
5Head Royce sailor
6Acalanes sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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