
Saturday, February 22:

Encinal Yacht Club (EYC) hosted the Golden Bear High School Regatta on February 22nd and 23rd, one of five major regattas of the High School season. With over 300 competitors from high schools across California, the event showcased the skill and dedication of the next generation of sailors! Norcal teams notched some impressive finishes against stiff competition and gained experience that will help them the next time these teams come together down in Santa Barbara.

A huge thank you to our EYC Junior Sailing volunteers for their hard work both on land and on the water, ensuring the event ran smoothly. We also extend our gratitude to the club for their unwavering support in making this event a success.

Sunday, February 23:

Encinal Yacht Club (EYC) hosted the Golden Bear High School Regatta on February 22nd and 23rd, one of five major regattas of the High School season. With over 300 competitors from high schools across California, the event showcased the skill and dedication of the next generation of sailors! Norcal teams notched some impressive finishes against stiff competition and gained experience that will help them the next time these teams come together down in Santa Barbara.

A huge thank you to our EYC Junior Sailing volunteers for their hard work both on land and on the water, ensuring the event ran smoothly. We also extend our gratitude to the club for their unwavering support in making this event a success.

Score summary

1Point LomaPointers 1242448
2Mater DeiMonarchs 2492473
3Point LomaPointers 2314576
4Mater DeiMonarchs 1344579
5Point LomaPointers 3475299
6Mater DeiMonarchs 35854112
7San MarcosRoyals 16778145
8Newport HarborSailors 17373146
9Mission BayBuccaneer 148110158
*10Santa BarbaraDons10554159
*11Santa MonicaVikings10059159
12Cathedral CatholicDons 19962161
13Corona del MarSea Kings 172100172
14RedwoodGiants 111970189
**16Dos PueblosChargers14470214
18Corona del MarSea Kings 312194215
19Francis ParkerParker129103232
20Corona del MarSea Kings 2139100239
b21Mission BayBuccaneer 2121119240
b22The Bay  of San FranBreakers102138240
23San MarcosRoyals 2104140244
c24Newport HarborSailors 2135114249
c25Mira CostaMustangs127122249
26RedwoodGiants 2127134261
27Convent & StuartCubs140129269
28Marin CatholicWildcats89184273
29Cathedral CatholicDons 2127152279
31South TorranceSpartans142161303
32Design TechDragons168173341
*Number of high-place (3) finishes
**Number of high-place (2) finishes
bNumber of high-place (7) finishes
cHead-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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