Wet & Cool Regatta

Scores for Division B

1Bayshore ChristianBayshore Christian School12Joe Comer '26
EaglesIssac Sprayberry '27
2St. StanislausSaint Stanislaus27Aidan Castle '25
Rock-A-ChawsLane Burroughs '24
3FairhopeFairhope High School34Brockton Norris '241-4
Layton Dugger '265-10
PiratesTucker Norris '291-2
Lillis Allison '293-4,7-10
Emmalia Kuhn '285-6
4St. Michael CatholicSt. Michael Catholic High School54Anna Christian Moore '261-2
Graham Rose '243-10
CardinalsGraham Rose '241-2
Lucy Hartwell '293-6
Anna Christian Moore '267-10
5UMS-Wright58Mack Purvis '291-8
Anne Margaret Bridges '249-10
Bulldogs - VarsityPiper Clark '291-2
Anne Margaret Bridges '243-4,7-8
Harrison Bridges '295-6
Mack Purvis '299-10
6Unregistered-SEISAUnregistered-SEISA59Andrew Ingersol '26 *
SEISA - WhiteAndrea Townley '27 *1-4,7-8
Carter Landrum '25 *5-6
Ayla Cantrell '27 *9-10
7Unregistered-SEISAUnregistered-SEISA60Maxium Lyek '26 *
SEISA - BlueAddie Deputy '26 *
8Bayside Academy80Lanee Imperato '25
Bayside AcademyPaul Clement '301-4
Courtney Baker '255-10
9Ft. Walton BeachFt. Walton Beach High School92Skye Dwyer '26
VikingsAliyah Wierzbicki '27
10Bay  (FL)Bay High School (FL)107Liam Cramer '28
Bay HighJohn Moore '27
11ChoctawhatcheeChoctawhatchee High School120No show
IndiansNo show

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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