MDISA TAYC Varsity Regatta

Scores for Division A

1Archbishop SpaldingArchbishop Spalding24Owen MacWilliams '24
CavaliersGehrig Dewaele '241-2
Christina Pierce '253-6
2SouthernSouthern High School32Scott Opert '24
BulldogsMolly Dowling '25
*3BroadneckBroadneck High School33Chris White '24
BruinsJustin Marquez '24
*4St. Marys  (MD)St. Mary's High School (MD)33Halsey Carter '26
SaintsGracie Houseman '26
5Leonardtown HighLeonardtown High School34Joseph Murphy '24
RaidersWill Clay '25
6SevernSevern School36Harrison Szot '27
AdmiralsJack LeFever-Farino '24
7Great MillsGreat Mills High School41Ryan Brelage '24
HornetsAlex Prior '24
8KeyKey School47Mason Cook '25
ZagsElizabeth Roesch '27
9Severna ParkSeverna Park49Peter Judge '25
FalconsAlexandria Still '271-4
Tanner Strom '235-6
10The GunstonGunston62Matthew Periconi '24
HeronsCaeden Harrison '241-2,5-6
Owen Daffron '253-4
11Saints Peter & PaulSts. Peter & Paul67Cristian Botsis '25
Sabres 2Saoirse Taylor '28
12Jackson-ReedJackson-Reed High School69William Lindsley '24
TigersJonah Molinoff '25
13Saints Peter & PaulSts. Peter & Paul70Hartley Cooper '26
Sabres 1Riley Schnable '25
14AnnapolisAnnapolis High School74Rylee Landry '27
PanthersGemma Love '25
15GilmanGilman School76Liam Rivers '25
GreyhoundsTyler Olson '25
16South RiverSouth River High School84Fiona O'Rourke '28
SeahawksClara Neeland '26
17Kent IslandKent Island High School90James Biles '27
BuccaneersNicole Seiler '26
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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