MDISA St. Marys Ryken Tier 3 Fleet

Scores for Division B

*1St. Mary's RykenSt. Mary's Ryken10Michael Groat '27
Knights 2Lindsey Jahn '26
*2BroadneckBroadneck High School10Ryan Stebbins '28
BruinsElla Chasse '27
3Leonardtown HighLeonardtown High School14Ian Murphy '29 *
RaidersWilliam Dennis '29
4Notre Dame PreparatoNotre Dame Preparatory School19Claire Rowland '26
BlazersGina Varacalle-Goetz '27
**5Great MillsGreat Mills High School24Gabriel Roberts '27
HornetsKaden Cotugno '27
**6Patuxent24Annabelle Yurko '29
PanthersRyan Deibler '28
7Loyola BlakefieldLoyola Blakefield25Devin de la Paz '251-21
Eli Eib '263-4
Loyola BlakefieldKaty Stansbury '272
b8St. Mary's RykenSt. Mary's Ryken27Kendall Tharp '26
Knights 1Alex Dusterwald '27
b9Archbishop SpaldingArchbishop Spalding27Dylan Thomas '26
CavaliersJohn Decker '27
*Number of high-place (3) finishes
**Head-to-head tiebreaker
bNumber of high-place (2) finishes
1Leonardtown High sailor
2Notre Dame Preparato sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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