NESSA O'Day Qualifier - Groton, CT

Scores for Division A

1The HotchkissThe Hotchkiss School15Pierce Olsen '251-4
Fynn Olsen '255-6
BearcatsDhruv Kothari '25
2BranfordBranford High School20Gus Fichtenholtz '25
HornetsEmilia Jefferies '26
3Greenwich AcademyGreenwich Academy23Helena Borcherding '26
VarsityTaylor Nanni '27
4The WilliamsThe Williams School28Gus van Berkel '26
BluesCarlie Burke '27
5DarienDarien High School34Conrad Straden '241-2
Maxwell Connor '253-6
Blue WaveElla Seymour '26
6Fairfield LudloweFairfield Ludlowe High School37Anabelle Woodworth '24
FalconsKate Lavellee '25 *
7Fairfield PrepFairfield Prep47Charlie Capporino '24
JesuitsBlaise Leopoldo '26 *
8Moses BrownMoses Brown School49Jack Kirkman '26
QuakersAva Belli '241-4
Natthavee Kunathai '245-6
9StaplesStaples High SchoolMRP55No show
VarsityNo show
10WestonWeston High School56Reese Ambrose '25
TrojansHannah Austin '27
11SalisburySalisbury School57Oliver Puris '24
KnightsHarry Hubbard '25
12XavierXavier High School70Dan Fritz '25
Xavier High FalconsBen Akaratovic '25

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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