Greenwich Fleet Race Friday

Scores for Division A

1GreenwichGreenwich High School3Go Cardinals 3 '24 *
Cardinals 2Go Cardinals 4 '24 *
2Greenwich Country DaGreenwich Country Day School7Go Tigers 1 '24 *
TigersGo Tigers 2 '24 *
3GreenwichGreenwich High School8Go Cardinals 19 '24 *
Cardinals 10Go Cardinals 20 '24 *
4GreenwichGreenwich High School10Go Cardinals 5 '24 *
Cardinals 3Go Cardinals 6 '24 *
5WestonWeston High School11Reese Ambrose '25
Trojans 1Hannah Austin '27
6Sacred Heart CTSacred Heart Greenwich14Caitlin Dean '26
Varsity 1Emily Shull '25
7GreenwichGreenwich High School16Go Cardinals 7 '24 *
Cardinals 4Go Cardinals 8 '24 *
*8WestonWeston High School19William Walker '26
Trojans 3James Krichavsky '271
Arman Hill '252
*9WestonWeston High School19Griffin Hayden '24
Trojans 2Glen Kopis '26
10GreenwichGreenwich High School20Go Cardinals 1 '24 *
Cardinals 1Go Cardinals 2 '24 *
**11Sacred Heart CTSacred Heart Greenwich22Avery Quake '26
Varsity 2Sutton Burchetta '26
**12GreenwichGreenwich High School22Go Cardinals 11 '24 *
Cardinals 6Go Cardinals 12 '24 *
13GreenwichGreenwich High School23Go Cardinals 9 '24 *
Cardinals 5Go Cardinals 10 '24 *
14GreenwichGreenwich High School24Go Cardinals 17 '24 *
Cardinals 9Go Cardinals 18 '24 *
15GreenwichGreenwich High School26Go Cardinals 13 '24 *
Cardinals 7Go Cardinals 14 '24 *
16Sacred Heart CTSacred Heart Greenwich32Lily Fitzpatrick '26
Varsity 3Ava Clear '25
17GreenwichGreenwich High School33Go Cardinals 15 '24 *
Cardinals 8Go Cardinals 16 '24 *
18Sacred Heart CTSacred Heart Greenwich34Gabrielle Arredondo '27
Varsity 4Anna Oliver '24
*Number of high-place (6) finishes
**Number of high-place (9) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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