Clipper Challenge

Scores for Division A

1Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA18Unregskip 2 '23 *
Southern ME 2Unregcrew 2 '24 *
2YarmouthYarmouth High School26Reid Garofoli '27
Clippers 2Syrin Hassan '27
3Cape ElizabethCape Elizabeth High School32Gideon Straw '28
Capers 2Sidney Allen '24
4CheverusCheverus High School35No One '24 *
Varsity 1No One '23 *
5YarmouthYarmouth High School43Olivier Garcia de Reynal '251-2,4
Eliana Goldman '263,5-9
Clippers 1Myah Hassan '251-2,5-9
Olivier Garcia de Reynal '253
Eliana Goldman '264
6CheverusCheverus High School45No One '25 *
Varsity 2No One '26 *
7Cape ElizabethCape Elizabeth High School63Owen Rhile '25
Capers 1Elliot Northup '26
8Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA64Unregskip 1 '23 *
Southern ME 1Unregcrew 1 '24 *

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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