2024 PCISA NorCal Champs

Scores for Division A

1RedwoodRedwood High School38Morgan Headington '24
GiantsHenry Vare '26
2The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco44Caleb Everett '26
BreakersAnna Rauh '26
3Marin CatholicMarin Catholic59Leo Robillard '25
WildcatsStella Ward Turko '271-8
Zoe Bruce '269-12
4StevensonStevenson School60Max McCormick '24
Pirates 1Sadie Marinerstein '24
5EncinalEncinal High School68Marco Puertas '24
JetsAva Estilaei '271-4
Grace Harriet '275-12
6AlamedaAlameda High School69Reid Sojka '26
HornetsTristan Banthi '281-4,7-12
Charles Maxey '255-6
7CarlmontCarlmont82Ward Brouwer '24
The ScotsLily Stutzin '26
8St. Ignatius CollegeSt. Ignatius College Prep - San Francisco88Marina Priskich '25
WildcatsHelen Plam '261-8
Miles White '259-12
9Convent & StuartConvent and Stuart Hall High Schools121Aaron Toy-Lim '26
CubsNatalie Tonkovich '241-4
No show5-6
Nola Jesenko '267-121
10Design TechDesign Tech High School123Skye Crawford '25
Dragons 1John Nix '25
11GunnHenry M. Gunn High School134Mark Novak '28
TitansGigi (Gwen) Domine '26
12St. Joseph Notre DamSt. Joseph Notre Dame HS - Alameda, CA152Melina Ahrens '27
St Joseph Notre DameElla Schwartz '27
13The AthenianThe Athenian School156Hera Handy-Madsen '272
OwlsTeagan Ezakovich '272
14StevensonStevenson School159Tibet Kilic '24
Pirates 2Tyler Hwang '26
15TamalpaisTamalpais High School161Jason Lester '241-2,5-6
Joshua King '243-4,7-8
Evie Littler '259-12
Red Tailed HawksVaugn Neumann '271-2,5-6
Aidan Andresen '273-4,7-8
Charles Winstead '249-12
16San DomenicoSan Domenico High School162Seamus Crain '26
PanthersAlex Collier-Lake '241-2,7-8
Willem Morrow '273-4
Xander Helming '265-6,11-12
Cara Parks '279-10
17Design TechDesign Tech High School185Grant Sloan '25
Dragons 2Lorelai Hartman '25
18Archbishop RiordanArchbishop Riordan196Eva Bennett '25
CrusadersElizabeth Walsh '26
1The Bay of San Fran sailor
2Oakland Technical sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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