2024 Norcal 5 Silver

Scores for Division A

1AlamedaAlameda High School20Joby Overton '26
Hornets 2Aubrie Grimes '26
2The BransonBranson School21
3StevensonStevenson School24Tibet Kilic '24
PiratesDillan Spence '271-2,5
Steven Li '273-4
4San DomenicoSan Domenico High School33Seamus Crain '26
Panthers 1Xander Helming '26
5BerkeleyBerkeley High School34
Yellowjackets 2
6EncinalEncinal High School43Cyrus Estilaei '27
JetsEllie Tucker '27
7The AthenianThe Athenian School44California Nunes '24
OwlsRita Waugh '27
*8Pacific GrovePacific Grove High School50Kieran Sherlock '25
BreakersJames Archer '27
*9MontereyMonterey High School50
10AlamedaAlameda High School51Zach Siskind '28
Hornets 1Charles Maxey '25
11The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco53
Breakers 1
12The UrbanThe Urban School55Maxwell Woolf '271
Gabriel Ramirez '272-5
BluesStella Reynaga '24
13Oakland TechnicalOakland Technical High School61Hera Handy-Madsen '27
Oakland TechTeagan Ezakovich '27
14TamalpaisTamalpais High School63Vaugn Neumann '27
Red Tailed Hawks 1Charles Winstead '24
15CarmelCarmel High School64Lyric Gomez '28
PadresJune Emerson '27
16San DomenicoSan Domenico High School66Dylan Song '25
Panthers 2Alex Collier-Lake '24
17CampolindoCampolindo High School80Liam Hearn '24
CougarsKieran Whittome '27
18PiedmontPiedmont High School84Micaela Jorcino '24
VarsitySophie Hess '25
19Marin CatholicMarin Catholic93RJ Scheuring '25
Wildcats 2Victoria Krauss '27
20TamalpaisTamalpais High School94Ronan Corbit '27
Red Tailed Hawks 2Aidan Andresen '27
21BerkeleyBerkeley High School96
Yellowjackets 1
22Marin CatholicMarin Catholic99Stella Ward Turko '27
Wildcats 1Zoe Bruce '26
23The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco120
Breakers 2
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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