Columbia Tier 3


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races.

A Division

DePaul College PrepDePaul College Prep Varsity1119193344556677
Latin  of ChicagoLatin of Chicago Mixed1919334455667788
Loyola AcademyLoyola Academy Ramblers33445566778899
New Trier HSNew Trier HS Mixed4455667788991010
St. Ignatius (IL)St. Ignatius (IL) Wolfpack 1556677889910101111
St. Ignatius (IL)St. Ignatius (IL) Wolfpack 266778899101011111212
U Chicago LaboratoryU Chicago Laboratory Mixed7788991010111112121313
U Chicago LaboratoryU Chicago Laboratory Maroons 1889910101111121213131414
U Chicago LaboratoryU Chicago Laboratory Maroons 299101011111212131314141515

B Division

DePaul College PrepDePaul College Prep Varsity1010111112121313141415151616
Latin  of ChicagoLatin of Chicago Mixed1111121213131414151516161717
Loyola AcademyLoyola Academy Ramblers1212131314141515161617171818
New Trier HSNew Trier HS Mixed13131414151516161717181811
St. Ignatius (IL)St. Ignatius (IL) Wolfpack 114141515161617171818111919
St. Ignatius (IL)St. Ignatius (IL) Wolfpack 2151516161717181811191933
U Chicago LaboratoryU Chicago Laboratory Mixed1616171718181119193344
U Chicago LaboratoryU Chicago Laboratory Maroons 117171818111919334455
U Chicago LaboratoryU Chicago Laboratory Maroons 2181811191933445566