TC tier 3 429


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

BathBath Fighting Bees MIXED133
Black River PublicBlack River Public Mixed244
East LansingEast Lansing East Lansing MIXED355
Grand HavenGrand Haven GH Blue Mixed466
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Blue (Mixed)577
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Gold (Mixed)688
Mona ShoresMona Shores Mona Shores Mixed799
Spring LakeSpring Lake Red81010
Spring LakeSpring Lake Grey Mixed91111
St. Francis  TraversSt. Francis Travers TCSF Mixed101212
Traverse City CentraTraverse City Centra TCC Mixed1111
Traverse City WestTraverse City West TCW Mixed1222

B Division

BathBath Fighting Bees MIXED244
Black River PublicBlack River Public Mixed355
East LansingEast Lansing East Lansing MIXED466
Grand HavenGrand Haven GH Blue Mixed577
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Blue (Mixed)688
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Gold (Mixed)799
Mona ShoresMona Shores Mona Shores Mixed81010
Spring LakeSpring Lake Red91111
Spring LakeSpring Lake Grey Mixed101212
St. Francis  TraversSt. Francis Travers TCSF Mixed1111
Traverse City CentraTraverse City Centra TCC Mixed1222
Traverse City WestTraverse City West TCW Mixed133