Saturday 22 @ CYC Regatta

Scores for Division A

1Glenbrook SouthGlenbrook South High School7Jakub Fuja '23
Titans 1Colin Herbolsheimer '23
2Latin  of ChicagoLatin School of Chicago13Kira Mahoney '251-3
Oliver Gray '254-5
RomansOliver Gray '251-3
Kira Mahoney '254-5
3DePaul College PrepDePaul College Prep31Charles Gallagher '25
Varsity 2David Hand '25
*4Glenbrook SouthGlenbrook South High School34Lily Brandt '23 *
Titans 3Ralph Zematis '26 *
*5New Trier HSNew Trier HS34Preston Levy '24
Trevian 1Tara Hecht '25
*6New Trier HSNew Trier HS34Charles Dischner '26
Trevian 4
7St. Ignatius (IL)Saint Ignatius College Prep, Chicago, IL36Jack Baldwin '22
Wolfpack 1Whitney Koif '25
8New Trier HSNew Trier HS46Santiago Benes '24
Trevian 3Ava Pankauskas '24
9Culver AcademiesCulver Academies49
Eagles 1
*10Culver AcademiesCulver Academies57
Eagles 2
*11Loyola AcademyLoyola Academy57Francesca Wildi '25
Ramblers 1Molly Fitzsimmons '25
12Loyola AcademyLoyola Academy61Bleu Strnad '26
Ramblers 2Ana Bradley '26
*13St. Ignatius (IL)Saint Ignatius College Prep, Chicago, IL65Finn Connolly '26
Wolfpack 2Eva Castrejon '24
*14Loyola AcademyLoyola Academy65Enzo Dorfman '26
Ramblers 3Laura Koszeghy '26
*15Glenbrook SouthGlenbrook South High School69Watson Conant '26
Titans 2Harrison Cartwright '26
*16DePaul College PrepDePaul College Prep69Alexander Faber '26
Varsity 1Benjamin Castro-Matthews '26
17DePaul College PrepDePaul College Prep86Ivy Frater '25
Varsity 3Rebecca Lechota '26
18New Trier HSNew Trier HS87Olivia Gingue '26
Trevian 2Camila Benes '26
19Walter Payton CollegWalter Payton College Preparatory High School92Anika Alavilli '26
GrizzliesJames Fuller '261
20St. Ignatius (IL)Saint Ignatius College Prep, Chicago, IL93Frankie Ryba '27 *
Wolfpack 3Sophia Castrejon '26
21Beacon AcademyBeacon Academy100Alex Pickering '27 *
TrailblazersGriffin McDill '25
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1St. Ignatius (IL) sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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