O'Day Qualifier - Portland, ME

Scores for Division A

1Milton AcademyMilton Academy17Ryan McGauley '231-6
Terrance Lu '257
MustangsTallulah Doeringer '24
2SharonSharon High School36Andrew Liu '23
VarsityZander Lai '23
3Cape ElizabethCape Elizabeth High School38Tess Straw '24
CapersCora Johnson '23
4Lincoln AcademyLincoln Academy40Otto Schoenthal '25
EaglesGriffin Chace '26
5Falmouth  MaineFalmouth High School (ME)41Ben Wintersteen '23
NavigatorsMiles Mannion '241-6
Ian Doherty '257
6Belmont HillBelmont Hill School43Quinn Healey '23
VarsityPanos Gianoukos '26
7East GreenwichEast Greenwich High School44Zachary Amelotte '23
AvengersMara Oancea '23
8Camden HillsCamden Hills RHS52Julian Henderson '23
VarsityAbigal Williams '231-4
Elliot Condon '255-7
*9PortlandPortland High School54Posie Cabaniss '23
BulldogsJack Taylor '231-4
Hazel Johnson '235-6
Liam Sommer '237
*10Manchester/Essex RegManchester/Essex RHS54Ian Carlin '24
HornetsCole Cote '25
*11OceansideOceanside High School65Emmet Dorr '24
MarinersAidan Weymouth '23
*12Mt. Desert Island HSMt. Desert Island HS65Alex Donahue '26
VarsityCora Lester '26
13George Stevens AcadeGeorge Stevens Academy88Ian Bowden '23 *
EaglesMolly Pile '25 *1-4,7
Noel Da '23 *5-6
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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