NJISA 2023 Spring Series 3

Scores for Division B

1Donovan CatholicDonovan Catholic High School6Liam Marcell '26
Griffins 2Morgan Poskay '26
2Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy10Jules Buczkowski '26
Colts 1Ryan Mullholland '25
3Southern RegionalSouthern Regional High School12Erin Little '24
RamsKaylan Hoffacker '26
*4Toms River  NorthToms River North17Jackson Bubnowski '26
MarinersScott Tedeschi '25
*5Toms River  SouthToms River South17Cali Krean '24
IndiansMollie Smith '25
6RanneyRanney School19Lewis Forrest '25
Panthers 2Tomas Mora '23
7Donovan CatholicDonovan Catholic High School20Grace Ciak '26
Griffins 1Bridget Felser '26
8RidgeRidge High School21Jack Schlenker '26
Red DevilsMatthew Moschello '26
9RanneyRanney School24Anthony Abboud '25
Panthers 1Quinian Miller '26
10Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy26Matthew Wilhelm '24
Colts 2Erick Shi '24
11Trinity HallTrinity Hall28Riley Mueller '27
MonarchsEvelyn Magee '26
12Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy34Andrew Dinger '24
Colts 3Donald Johnston '25
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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