NJISA 2023 Spring Series 3

Scores for Division A

1Donovan CatholicDonovan Catholic High School4James Kopack '24
Griffins 1Caroline Felser '24
2Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy8Christopher Small '26
Colts 1Nicholas Cunha '23
3Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy9Thomas Roeber '23
Colts 3Kyle Lombardino '25
4Southern RegionalSouthern Regional High School15Turner Ryon '25
RamsNoah Tallman '25
*5Toms River  NorthToms River North17Iliana Vasslides '23
MarinersStephanie Maulshagen '23
*6Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy17Noah Kuzloski '23
Colts 2Luke Pennisi '24
7RanneyRanney School20Jack Whitman '23
Panthers 2Lewis Forrest '251-2
Dylan Pagonis '263
8RanneyRanney School22Grace Bray '23
Panthers 1Sophia Behar '25
9RidgeRidge High School28Matt Leopold '23
Red DevilsRyan Amicone '25
10Toms River  SouthToms River South29Ella Demand '24
IndiansAva McNabb '24
11Donovan CatholicDonovan Catholic High School30Richard McGowan '25
Griffins 2Nora Ciak '23
12Trinity HallTrinity Hall35Izzy Bornebusch '25
MonarchsGreta Senft '24
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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