MDISA JV Spring Championship

Scores for Division B

1The GunstonGunston15Matthew Periconi '241-2
Ian Kissel '233-5
HeronsAlix Allison '251-2
Matthew Periconi '243-5
2Kent IslandKent Island High School21William Fachet '23
BuccaneersZachary Wells '251-2
Dylan McCormick '253-5
3Saints Peter & PaulSts. Peter & Paul24Cristian Botsis '25
SabresLouisa Kalinski '25
4Kennett High School39Holden Shrum '281
KennettAliana Shrum '261
5The Tome School41Nathaniel Wyman '281-2
Nathan Joseph '243-5
TitansNathan Joseph '241-2
Nathaniel Wyman '283-5
6BroadneckBroadneck High School42Erin Lawlor '261-2,5
Rosie Benson '273-4
BruinsFelicia Gomoljak '261-2,5
Henry Oaten '263-4
*7SouthernSouthern High School44Maggie Dowling '27
BulldogsSophie Griggs '241-2
Liam Grigg '283-5
*8Walt WhitmanWalt Whitman High School44Shane Churilla '251-2
Marco Gessner Pilotto '253-5
VikingsWilliam Kessner '231-2
Ricardo Shayer '253-5
9School Without Walls46Emmett Nash '282
VarsityEli Cummins '271-23
Chi Chi Chao '27 *3-53
10Great MillsGreat Mills High School50Allie Clark '26
HornetsOwen Smith '26
*11Patuxent51Thomas Birchfield '27
PanthersNolan Wingate '281-2
Joseph DiBonaventuro '263-5
*12AnnapolisAnnapolis High School51Robert Bauer '26
Panthers 1Henry Meyer '25
13Calvert Hall CollegeCalvert Hall College High School53Theodore Jones '24
CardinalsWill Nelson '26
*14AnnapolisAnnapolis High School55Quinn Curry '254
Panthers 2Grayson Martien '254
*15Leonardtown HighLeonardtown High School55Everett Moulds '25
RaidersWill Grah '25
16KeyKey School58Ana Fishback '271-4
Maya Kirshtein '265
ZagsElizabeth Roesch '271-4
Hugo Raftovich '265
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1Baltimore Polytechni sailor
2Eastern sailor
3Dunbar sailor
4Key sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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