Tulip Regatta


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races.

A Division

Black River PublicBlack River Public Varsity112233445566
Grand HavenGrand Haven GH Gold Mixed223344556677
Grand HavenGrand Haven GH Blue Mixed334455667788
Holland ChristianHolland Christian Mixed445566778899
HollandHolland Mixed55667788991010
Spring LakeSpring Lake Grey6677889910101111
Spring LakeSpring Lake Red778899101011111212
Spring LakeSpring Lake Silver889910101111121211
St. JosephSt. Joseph Bears- Varsity991010111112121122
St. JosephSt. Joseph Bears- Mixed101011111212112233
West Ottawa PublicWest Ottawa Public Panthers 11111121211223344
West Ottawa PublicWest Ottawa Public Panthers 212121122334455