South Point #5 Varsity

Scores for Division A

1South ForkSouth Fork High School41Trevor Bornarth '181-12
SF BULLDOGSEmma Barska '191-12
2RiverviewRiverview High School58Mark Brunsvold '19
VarsityKay Brunsvold '21
3H. B. PlantH. B. Plant High School68Connor Nelson '19
PanthersTee Chulikavit '19
*4Saint Thomas AquinasSt. Thomas Aquinas High School69Chase Sabadash '181-12
RaidersKenna Reed '201-12
*5Ransom EvergladesRansom Everglades School69Tucker Weed '181-4,9-12
Paul Lobree '185-8
RaidersMaddie Sharp '181-12
6SarasotaSarasota High School82Matthew King '20
SailorsAnna Millbourn '18
7Coral ShoresCoral Shores High School90Ella Marsden '201-12
HurricanesEthan Osborne '191-12
8Shorecrest PrepShorecrest Preparatory School99Elizabeth Shanahan '19
ChargersKarlei Kongsiri '19
9St. Petersburg High School100Blaire McCarthy '18
Green DevilsErika Desonie '19
10WestminsterWestminster Christian School113Olivia de Olazarra '18
WarriorsMariana Sierra '23
11Gulliver PreparatoryGulliver Preparatory School128Kyle Bramson '201-4,11-12
Clay Snyder '185-10
RaidersRoberto Lugones '201-4
Karen Liberman '205-12
12WandoWando High School157Jamie Renneker '181-12
Wando WarriorsJack Sutton '181-12
13Robinson High School158Katie Nelson '20
KnightsClaire Shames '21
14Out-of Door Academy171Skye Ehrhart '18
Out-of Door AcademyLucas MacLeod '18
15Lakewood High School172Callista Hopkins '19
VarsityTalib Moran '20
16Pine View School191Natalie Hoffman '27
Pine View VarsityLila Van den Broek '18
17NaplesNaples High School202Andrew Douglas '191-7,11-12
Chris Capiola '218-10
VarsityBailey Gorman '201-10
Chris Capiola '2111-12
18Martin CountyMartin County High School206Kingsley Ehrich '191-12
TigersJaxson Stehlin '201-12
19Jensen BeachJensen Beach High School222Chandler Scott '191-12
FalconsOliver Stabley '181-12
20MOA/WestwoodMOA/Westwood High School236Mikaela Munao '181-4,7-12
Nicholas Stange '205-6
PanthersEsbeydy Dumas '201-4,7-12
Grace Lamb '205-6
21Osceola Fundamental High School237Colin Lawther '20
VarsityAislyn Graves '201-6
Corinne Graves '207-12
22Oxbridge AcademyOxbridge Academy243Trevor Honeycutt '191-12
No show13
ThunderWolvesArden Capizola '181-3,7-12
Summer Scott '204-6
23Venice  - FLVenice High School (FL)248Eric VanGennip '201-9
VarsityEvan Occhino '201-9
24Community School of Naples249Kristina Puzak '181-12
VarsityAlly Gerry '211-5
Harrison Rogers '196-12
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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