Round 1 |
1 |  | Portland High School Bulldogs | 3-4-6 | vs | 1-2-5 | BB&N - Buckingham Browne and Nichols Knights |  |
2 |  | Marthas Vineyard RHS Vineyarders | 3-4-6 | vs | 1-2-5 | Barnstable HS Raiders |  |
3 |  | Islesboro Central School Eagles | 2-5-6 | vs | 1-3-4 | Boothbay RHS SeaHawks Gold |  |
4 |  | Camden Hills RHS Chills | 1-2-3 | vs | 4-5-6 | Yarmouth High School Clippers |  |
5 |  | Portland High School Bulldogs | 3-4-5 | vs | 1-2-6 | The Prout School Crusaders |  |
6 |  | Islesboro Central School Eagles | 3-4-5 | vs | 1-2-6 | BB&N - Buckingham Browne and Nichols Knights |  |
7 |  | Camden Hills RHS Chills | 2-4-6 | vs | 1-3-5 | Barnstable HS Raiders |  |
8 |  | Boothbay RHS SeaHawks Gold | 2-4-6 | vs | 1-3-5 | Yarmouth High School Clippers |  |
9 |  | Marthas Vineyard RHS Vineyarders | 1-3-6 | vs | 2-4-5 | Portland High School Bulldogs |  |
10 |  | Islesboro Central School Eagles | 1-2-3 | vs | 4-5-6 | The Prout School Crusaders |  |
11 |  | Boothbay RHS SeaHawks Gold | 4-5-6 | vs | 1-2-3 | BB&N - Buckingham Browne and Nichols Knights |  |
12 |  | Yarmouth High School Clippers | 3-5-6 | vs | 1-2-4 | Barnstable HS Raiders |  |
13 |  | Islesboro Central School Eagles | 2-4-6 | vs | 1-3-5 | Marthas Vineyard RHS Vineyarders |  |
14 |  | Camden Hills RHS Chills | 1-2-3 | vs | 4-5-6 | Portland High School Bulldogs |  |
15 |  | Boothbay RHS SeaHawks Gold | 1-2-3 | vs | 4-5-6 | The Prout School Crusaders |  |
16 |  | BB&N - Buckingham Browne and Nichols Knights | 1-2-3 | vs | 4-5-6 | Yarmouth High School Clippers |  |
17 |  | Camden Hills RHS Chills | 1-2-6 | vs | 3-4-5 | Islesboro Central School Eagles |  |
18 |  | Boothbay RHS SeaHawks Gold | 1-2-6 | vs | 3-4-5 | Marthas Vineyard RHS Vineyarders |  |
19 |  | Barnstable HS Raiders | 1-2-6 | vs | 3-4-5 | Portland High School Bulldogs |  |
20 |  | BB&N - Buckingham Browne and Nichols Knights | 1-2-5 | vs | 3-4-6 | The Prout School Crusaders |  |
21 |  | Boothbay RHS SeaHawks Gold | 1-4-5 | vs | 2-3-6 | Camden Hills RHS Chills |  |
22 |  | Barnstable HS Raiders | 1-3-5 | vs | 2-4-6 | Islesboro Central School Eagles |  |
23 |  | BB&N - Buckingham Browne and Nichols Knights | 1-2-5 | vs | 3-4-6 | Marthas Vineyard RHS Vineyarders |  |
24 |  | Yarmouth High School Clippers | 2-3-6 | vs | 1-4-5 | The Prout School Crusaders |  |
25 |  | Barnstable HS Raiders | | vs | | Boothbay RHS SeaHawks Gold |  |
26 |  | BB&N - Buckingham Browne and Nichols Knights | | vs | | Camden Hills RHS Chills |  |
27 |  | The Prout School Crusaders | | vs | | Marthas Vineyard RHS Vineyarders |  |
28 |  | Portland High School Bulldogs | | vs | | Yarmouth High School Clippers |  |
29 |  | BB&N - Buckingham Browne and Nichols Knights | | vs | | Barnstable HS Raiders |  |
30 |  | The Prout School Crusaders | | vs | | Camden Hills RHS Chills |  |
31 |  | Portland High School Bulldogs | | vs | | Islesboro Central School Eagles |  |
32 |  | Marthas Vineyard RHS Vineyarders | | vs | | Yarmouth High School Clippers |  |
33 |  | The Prout School Crusaders | | vs | | Barnstable HS Raiders |  |
34 |  | Portland High School Bulldogs | | vs | | Boothbay RHS SeaHawks Gold |  |
35 |  | Marthas Vineyard RHS Vineyarders | | vs | | Camden Hills RHS Chills |  |
36 |  | Islesboro Central School Eagles | | vs | | Yarmouth High School Clippers |  |