Week 19 |
Raritan Bay Spring Invitational | Raritan Bay | State Championship | 1 Division | 06/11/2016 | Official |  |
Week 18 |
NJISA 2016 Last Hurrah | TRYC & OCC | In-League | 1 Division | 06/04/2016 | Official |  |
Week 17 |
ISSA Baker Trophy - Team Race Nationals | Anacortes | National Championship | Team | 05/28/2016 | Official |  |
National Invitational Tournament | Benilde St Margarets/Chanhassen/Orono/Providence Academy/Wayzata | National Invitational | Team | 05/28/2016 | Official |  |
Minnesota Boy's State Championship | Minnetonka | State Championship | 1 Division | 05/28/2016 | Official |  |
Minnesota Girl's State Championship | Minnetonka | State Championship | 1 Division | 05/28/2016 | Official |  |
MN State Coed Championship | Mahtomedi/Mounds Park Academy/Mounds View/White Bear Lake | State Championship | 2 Divisions | 05/29/2016 | Official |  |
Raritan Tuesday Series Eleven | Summit | In-District | 1 Division | 05/24/2016 | Official |  |
NJISA Spring 2016 Fleet #6 | Toms River South | In-League | 2 Divisions | 05/25/2016 | Official |  |
Week 16 |
NWISA Team Race Championship Varsity | Anacortes | District Championship | Team | 05/21/2016 | Official |  |
NESSA Team Racing Championship (Mark Trophy) | MIT | District Championship | Team | 05/21/2016 | Official |  |
NESSA Team Racing Tournament (Terk Trophy) | MIT | District Tournament | Team | 05/21/2016 | Official |  |
Illinois State Sailing Championship | Sheridan Shore Sailing School | State Championship | 2 Divisions | 05/21/2016 | Official |  |
VISA Fleet Race Championship | YSV at Fort Monroe | League Championship | 2 Divisions | 05/21/2016 | Official |  |
NJISA 2016 NJ State Championship | TRYC & OCC | League Championship | 2 Divisions | 05/21/2016 | Official |  |
VISA Women's Championship Regatta | YSV at Fort Monroe | League Championship | 1 Division | 05/22/2016 | Official |  |
Raritan Tuesday Series Ten | Summit | In-District | 1 Division | 05/17/2016 | Official |  |
NWISA Team Race Championship JV | Anacortes | In-District | Team | 05/21/2016 | Official |  |
NJISA 2016 Girls Championship | TRYC & OCC | In-League | 1 Division | 05/18/2016 | Official |  |
Leukemia Cup | Detroit Country Day | Promotional | 2 Divisions | 05/21/2016 | Official |  |
LMSS TEAM RACE | Minnetonka | Promotional | Team | 05/21/2016 | Official |  |
Week 15 |
Mallory National Championship | College of Charleston | National Championship | 2 Divisions | 05/14/2016 | Official |  |
Downeast | Maine Maritime Academy | District Tournament | 2 Divisions | 05/14/2016 | Official |  |
Oregon State Champs | Unregistered-NWISA | State Championship | 2 Divisions | 05/14/2016 | Official |  |
New York State Champs | Mercy/McQuaid | State Championship | 2 Divisions | 05/15/2016 | Official |  |
Sail Black Rock Intersectional | Captain's Cove Marina | Two-District | 2 Divisions | 05/14/2016 | Official |  |
May Madness | Pewaukee Yacht Club | In-District | 2 Divisions | 05/14/2016 | Official |  |
Minnesota Conference Regatta Finale - Tier 3 | Lake Calhoun Sailing School | In-District | 2 Divisions | 05/14/2016 | Official |  |
Cherryland Team Race | Traverse City Centra | In-District | Team | 05/14/2016 | Official |  |
Port Townsend Open | Northwest Maritime Center at Port Townsend | In-District | 2 Divisions | 05/14/2016 | Official |  |
Raritan Tuesday Series Nine | Summit | In-League | 1 Division | 05/10/2016 | Official |  |
VISA CNU Scrimmage | Hampton | In-League | 1 Division | 05/14/2016 | Official |  |
Donald Greene Regatta | Lake Cochitiuate (Lincoln-Sudbury, Wayland & Wellesley) | In-League | 2 Divisions | 05/14/2016 | Official |  |
NJISA 2016 Fleet Series 5 | TRYC & OCC | Promotional | 2 Divisions | 05/11/2016 | Official |  |
Week 14 |
Baker Midwest Qualifier | Lake Forest | District Championship | Team | 05/07/2016 | Official |  |
NESSA Women's Championship (R Herreshoff Trophy) | Mass Maritime Academy | District Championship | 2 Divisions | 05/08/2016 | Official |  |
MN Conference #5 | Benilde St Margarets/Chanhassen/Orono/Providence Academy/Wayzata | In-District | 2 Divisions | 05/07/2016 | Official |  |
NJISA Spring Fleet Series 4 | TRYC & OCC | In-League | 2 Divisions | 05/04/2016 | Official |  |
Sharon Fresh / Soph Regatta | Sharon | In-League | 2 Divisions | 05/07/2016 | Official |  |
Cape Jamboree | Cape Elizabeth | In-League | Team | 05/07/2016 | Official |  |
VISA Leukemia Cup Regatta | Christchurch School | Promotional | 2 Divisions | 05/07/2016 | Official |  |
Week 13 |
SAISA District Team Race Champs | Lauderdale Yacht Club | District Championship | Team | 04/30/2016 | Official |  |
MISSA Mallory Doublehanded Championship | Grosse Pointe Yacht Club | District Championship | 2 Divisions | 04/30/2016 | Official |  |
2016 MASSA Baker Qualifier | NYCC | District Champ Qualifier | Team | 04/30/2016 | Official |  |
Herreshoff Qualifier Indian Harbor YC | Greenwich Academy | League Championship | 2 Divisions | 05/01/2016 | Official |  |
Conference #4 | Minnetonka | In-District | 2 Divisions | 04/30/2016 | Official |  |
Tier III- Milwaukee Yacht Club | Marquette/PiusXI/Shorewood/University of Milwa | In-District | 1 Division | 04/30/2016 | Official |  |
SSP Team Race - GOLD | Sail Sand Point | In-District | Team | 04/30/2016 | Official |  |
SSP Team Race - SILVER | Sail Sand Point | In-District | Team | 04/30/2016 | Official |  |
Raritan Team Race Series | Summit | In-League | Team | 04/26/2016 | Official |  |
NJISA Team 3 | TRYC | In-League | Team | 04/27/2016 | Official |  |
Cheverus Cup | Sailmaine | In-League | Team | 04/30/2016 | Official |  |
Week 12 |
SAISA Districts/Mallory Elimination | Pine Lake Prep | District Championship | 2 Divisions | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
NWISA Doublehanded District Championships | Sehome | District Championship | 2 Divisions | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
PCISA Team Race Championship | Newport Harbor YC | District Championship | Team | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
2016 SEISA District Fleet Racing Championship | Bay Waveland Yacht Club | District Championship | 2 Divisions | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
2016 SEISA District Team Race Championship | Bay Waveland Yacht Club | District Championship | Team | 04/24/2016 | Official |  |
MISSA Conference Regatta #3 | Lake Calhoun Sailing School | District Tournament | 2 Divisions | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
MISSA Baker West Pre-Qualifier | Benilde St Margarets/Chanhassen/Orono/Providence Academy/Wayzata | District Champ Qualifier | Team | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
High School Invite | Chicago Yacht Club - Belmont Station | District Champ Qualifier | Team | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
Herreshoff Qualifier #2 - Duxbury | Duxbury Bay Maritime School | District Champ Qualifier | 2 Divisions | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
MISSA East Fleet Race Qualifier | Traverse City | District Champ Qualifier | 2 Divisions | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
MISSA East Team Race Qualifier | Traverse City | District Champ Qualifier | Team | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
VISA Maury 3v3 Team Race Regatta | Hampton | League Championship | Team | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
VISA Maury 2v2 Team Race Regatta | Hampton | League Championship | Team | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
NYISA-SE Team Race Championship & Baker Qualifier | The WaterFront Center | League Championship | Team | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
WI/IL Tier 3 Series - Event #2 | Catholic Memorial/Germantown/Kettle Moraine/Oconomowoc | In-District | 1 Division | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
NWISA JV Fleet Bellingham | Sehome | In-District | 2 Divisions | 04/23/2016 | In progress: 1B |  |
NYISA-NW All Girls Regatta | Rochester Yacht Club | In-District | 1 Division | 04/24/2016 | Official |  |
Raritan Tuesday Series Six | Summit | In-League | 1 Division | 04/19/2016 | Official |  |
DCSail Varsity 15 boat FR | Edmund Burke/Oakcrest | In-League | 2 Divisions | 04/24/2016 | Official |  |
NYISA-NW Rochester Wed Night Racing | Pittsford Sutherland | Promotional | 1 Division | 04/20/2016 | Official |  |
SCC Junior Varsity FR | Great Mills/Leonardtown High | Promotional | 2 Divisions | 04/23/2016 | Official |  |
Week 11 |
PCISA Gold Pacific Coast Championship | US Sailing Center - Long Beach | District Championship | 2 Divisions | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
2016 MASSA District Mallory Championship | The WaterFront Center | District Championship | 2 Divisions | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
NESSA Fleet Racing Championship (O'Day Trophy) | Moses Brown School | District Championship | 2 Divisions | 04/17/2016 | Official |  |
2016 MASSA Spring Silver Championship | Washington College | District Tournament | 2 Divisions | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
2016 PCISA Silver PCC's | Encinal Yacht Club | District Tournament | 2 Divisions | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
Central Mallory Qualifiers | Sheridan Shore Sailing School | District Champ Qualifier | 2 Divisions | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
O'Day Qualifier - Newport, RI | St. George's | District Champ Qualifier | 2 Divisions | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
O'Day Qualifier - Greenwich, CT | Indian Harbor Yacht Club | District Champ Qualifier | 2 Divisions | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
O'Day Qualifier - Marion, MA | Tabor Academy | District Champ Qualifier | 2 Divisions | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
MISSA West Mallory Pre-Qualifier | Pewaukee Yacht Club | District Champ Qualifier | 2 Divisions | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
O'Day Qualifier - Portland, ME | SailMaine | District Champ Qualifier | 2 Divisions | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
NESSA Herreshoff Qualifier - Tabor | Tabor Academy | District Champ Qualifier | 2 Divisions | 04/17/2016 | Official |  |
NYISA-NW Rochester Race Night | Mercy/McQuaid | In-District | 1 Division | 04/13/2016 | Official |  |
NWISA Islands Cup | Orcas | In-District | 2 Divisions | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
WI/IL Spring Series #1 | Oshkosh North/Oshkosh West/Winneconne | In-District | 1 Division | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
NJISA Fleet Series #3 | Toms River South | In-League | 2 Divisions | 04/13/2016 | Official |  |
MN Conference #2 Team Race | White Bear Sailing School | In-League | Team | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
Spring Forward | Detroit Country Day | Promotional | 2 Divisions | 04/16/2016 | Official |  |
Week 10 |
NJISA 2016 Spring Fleet Championship | TRYC & OCC | League Championship | 2 Divisions | 04/09/2016 | Official |  |
NYISA-SE League Mallory Qualifier - OFFICIAL | United States Mercant Marine Academy | League Championship | 2 Divisions | 04/09/2016 | Official |  |
NYISA-SE League Mallory Qualifier w Composite Team | United States Merchant Marine Academy | League Championship | 2 Divisions | 04/09/2016 | Official |  |
Bainbridge Team Race | Port of Poulsbo, Liberty Bay, Poulsbo | In-District | Team | 04/09/2016 | Official |  |
LF COLYC Combo Team Race | COLYC/LFREC | In-District | Team | 04/10/2016 | Official |  |
Raritan Tuesday Series Four | Summit | In-League | 1 Division | 04/05/2016 | Official |  |
NJISA Team ONE | TRYC - OCC | In-League | Team | 04/06/2016 | Official |  |
VISA NCS Fleet Race Regatta | Hampton | In-League | Combined | 04/09/2016 | Official |  |
Minnesota Spring Conference #1 | Hudson/Somerset/Stillwater | In-League | 2 Divisions | 04/09/2016 | Official |  |
AYC/SSA Varsity Fleet Race | Annapolis/Severna Park/St. Marys (MD) | In-League | 2 Divisions | 04/10/2016 | Official |  |
2016 Sharon Invitational | Sharon High School | In-League | 2 Divisions | 04/10/2016 | Official |  |
2016 Stanford NorCal Invite | Palo Alto High | Promotional | Combined | 04/09/2016 | Official |  |
SAISA Oriental Open | Pamlico County | Promotional | Combined | 04/09/2016 | Official |  |
Week 9 |
SAISA Girls Champs | Beaufort | District Championship | 1 Division | 04/02/2016 | Official |  |
Little Daddy NorCal #5 SILVER | Berkeley/Sir Francis Drake | In-District | 1 Division | 04/02/2016 | Official | Woodside Priory |
Latchstring Varsity | Yarmouth | In-District | Combined | 04/02/2016 | Official |  |
Latchstring JV | Yarmouth | In-District | Combined | 04/02/2016 | Official |  |
Little Daddy NorCal #5 GOLD | Richmond Yacht Club | In-District | 1 Division | 04/02/2016 | Official |  |
Little Daddy NorCal #6 GOLD | Berkeley/Sir Francis Drake | In-District | 1 Division | 04/03/2016 | Official |  |
Little Daddy #6 SILVER | Berkeley/Sir Francis Drake | In-District | 1 Division | 04/03/2016 | Official |  |
VISA York High School Fleet Race Regatta | Youth Sailing Virginia | In-League | 2 Divisions | 04/02/2016 | Official |  |
2016 Ice Breaker | Hinsdale Central/Latin of Chicago/New Trier HS/St. Ignatius College/Walter Payton Colleg | Promotional | 2 Divisions | 04/02/2016 | Official |  |
SUNY Maritime College Spring Invitational | SUNY Maritime | Promotional | 2 Divisions | 04/02/2016 | Official |  |
SYC Open | Seattle Yacht Club | Promotional | 2 Divisions | 04/02/2016 | Official |  |
Week 8 |
PCISA 2015-16 SoCal 6 SILVER | San Diego Yacht Club | In-District | 1 Division | 03/26/2016 | Official |  |
PCISA 2015-16 SoCal 6 GOLD | SDYC | In-District | 1 Division | 03/26/2016 | Official |  |
Orcas Regional | Orcas | In-District | 1 Division | 03/26/2016 | Official |  |
Raritan Tuesday Series Two | Summit | In-League | 1 Division | 03/22/2016 | Official |  |
NJISA Wed Spring Series # 2 | TRYC | In-League | 2 Divisions | 03/23/2016 | Official |  |
VISA Christchurch School Fleet Race Regatta | Christchurch School | In-League | 2 Divisions | 03/26/2016 | Official |  |
2016 MDISA Fleet Race Qualifiers | Annapolis/Severna Park/St. Marys (MD) | Promotional | 2 Divisions | 03/25/2016 | Official |  |
Week 7 |
SAISA North Points #7 | Jordan Lake, Crosswinds Boating Center | In-District | 2 Divisions | 03/19/2016 | Official | Richmond Hill |
NWISA Olympia Regatta | Olympia Yacht Club | In-District | 2 Divisions | 03/19/2016 | Official |  |
NJISA Wed Series #1 | Toms River South | In-League | 2 Divisions | 03/16/2016 | Official |  |
DC Sail 2v2 TR | DC Sail | In-League | Team | 03/19/2016 | Official |  |
VISA NA Fleet Race Regatta | Hampton | In-League | 2 Divisions | 03/19/2016 | Official |  |
NJISA 2016 Icebreaker | TRYC | In-League | 2 Divisions | 03/19/2016 | Official |  |
SCC Varsity FR | Great Mills/Leonardtown High | In-League | 2 Divisions | 03/20/2016 | Official |  |
DC Sail JV 9-team FR | Walt Whitman | In-League | 2 Divisions | 03/20/2016 | Official |  |
Crossroads Regatta | Jensen Beach/Martin County/MOA/ Fort Pierce Wes/South Fork/The Pine | Promotional | 1 Division | 03/19/2016 | Official |  |
Week 6 |
2016 North Points 6 | Pine Lake Prep | In-District | 2 Divisions | 03/12/2016 | Official |  |
PCISA #5 - Gaucho SILVER | Unregistered - PCISA | In-District | 2 Divisions | 03/12/2016 | Official |  |
NWISA Combined Division GOLD | Sail Sand Point | In-District | Combined | 03/12/2016 | Official |  |
NWISA Combined Division SILVER | Sail Sand Point | In-District | Combined | 03/12/2016 | Official |  |
PCISA #5 - Gaucho GOLD | Unregistered - PCISA | In-District | 2 Divisions | 03/12/2016 | Official |  |
VISA Poquoson Fleet Race Regatta | Hampton | In-League | 2 Divisions | 03/12/2016 | Official |  |
SSA Team Race | SSA | Promotional | Team | 03/13/2016 | Official |  |
Week 5 |
Mississippi State Team Racing Championships | Bay Waveland Yacht Club | State Championship | Team | 03/05/2016 | Official |  |
NWISA South Regionals | Port of Silverdale | In-District | 2 Divisions | 03/05/2016 | Official |  |
NWISA North Regionals | Oak Harbor | In-District | 2 Divisions | 03/05/2016 | Official |  |
Week 4 |
Beaufort - North Points #5 | Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club | In-District | 2 Divisions | 02/27/2016 | Official |  |
South Points #7 | Jensen Beach/Martin County/MOA/ Fort Pierce Wes/South Fork/The Pine | In-District | 2 Divisions | 02/27/2016 | Official | Pine View |
SP #7 JV | Jensen Beach/Martin County/MOA/ Fort Pierce Wes/South Fork/The Pine | In-League | 2 Divisions | 02/27/2016 | Official |  |
Week 3 |
Tx State HS Champs | Bay Access | State Championship | 2 Divisions | 02/20/2016 | Official |  |
North Points #4 | Carolina Yacht Club | In-District | 2 Divisions | 02/20/2016 | Official |  |
PCISA #4 Golden Bear GOLD | Marin Academy/Redwood/The Branson | In-District | 2 Divisions | 02/20/2016 | Official |  |
PCISA #4 Golden Bear SILVER | Marin Academy/Redwood/The Branson | In-District | 2 Divisions | 02/20/2016 | Official | Windward |
Week 2 |
NorCal Divisional #2 GOLD | Redwood | In-League | 2 Divisions | 02/13/2016 | Official |  |
NorCal Divisional #2 SILVER | Redwood | In-League | 2 Divisions | 02/13/2016 | Official |  |
SAISA Brunswick Open Regatta | Golden Isles Community Sailing | Promotional | 2 Divisions | 02/13/2016 | Official |  |
Week 1 |
PCISA 2015 2016 SoCal #5 GOLD | ABYC | In-District | 1 Division | 02/06/2016 | Official |  |
PCISA 2015 2016 SoCal #5 SILVER | Cathedral Catholic | In-District | 1 Division | 02/06/2016 | Official |  |
Preweek 1 |
South Points #6 Varsity | Compass Rose Academy/Lakewood/Shorecrest Preparato/St. Petersburg | Promotional | 2 Divisions | 01/30/2016 | Official |  |
South Points 6 Junior Varsity | Compass Rose Academy/Lakewood/Shorecrest Preparato/St. Petersburg | Promotional | 1 Division | 01/30/2016 | Official |  |