VISA Fleet Championship

Scores for Division B

1ChristchurchChristchurch School8Wyatt Lipp '28
Seahorses 1Cindy Zhang '28
2MauryMaury High School32Emily Priest '25
Commodores 1Lenox Wakefield '27
3ChristchurchChristchurch School34Duncan Hardy '27
Seahorses 2Emma Ho '25
4Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School39Alex Salzberg '25
Oaks 1Michael Wattenbarger '271-2,5-7
Willow Wheeler '273-4
5ChristchurchChristchurch School44Chloe Shurr '25
Seahorses 3Minh Tho Nguyen '26
6Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy53Vera Hartz '261-2,5-6
Emma Tartiere-Martinez '283-4,7
Bulldogs 2Emma Tartiere-Martinez '281-2,5-6
Vera Hartz '263-4,7
7GraftonGrafton High School55Grif Mahan '25
ClippersMollie Beth Andrews '251-6
Ezekiel Hurst '257
8Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy56Mady McGee '27
Bulldogs 1Owen Peluso '26
9YorkYork High School64Dylan Thomas '28
FalconsTyler Compton '28
10KecoughtanKecoughtan High School66Angelo Bellecci '251
WarriorsPiper Cartwright '272
11Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School71Chase Duhon Kovach '291-2,7
Anna Lenox '283-4
Graham Stevens '285-6
Oaks 2Finian Bohan '271-2,7
Mollie Armentrout '283-4
Evangelia Bredologos '275-6
12The HagueThe Hague School79Samuel Rogge '283
TritonsGenevieve Collett '251-2,5-63
Aiden Dillon '283-4,7
13MauryMaury High School84Caspian Collett '251-4,7
Annika Fox '275-6
Commodores 2Rylie Bowen '27
14TabbTabb High School88Madison Bivins '254
TigersAdam Hauselman '305
15PoquosonPoquoson High School91Jack Raymond '27
IslandersAiden Westcott '251-2
Meadow Page '263-7
16PhoebusPhoebus High School106Tyler Slemp '256
PhantomsRyan Stokes '28
17Catholic HSCatholic High School109Hunter Heckman '261-6
Noah Webber '267
CrusadersNoah Webber '261-4
Davis Pelton '265-7
18Frank W. CoxFrank W. Cox High School119Elizabeth Jensen '25
FalconsOlivia Jensen '271-2,7
Sydney Gray '283-4
Elli Zimmerman '275-6
1Heritage - VA sailor
2Hampton sailor
3Maury sailor
4Peninsula Catholic sailor
5Norfolk Collegiate sailor
6Kecoughtan sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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