VISA Cox, Cath, PC Varsity Fleet Regatta

Scores for Division B

1MauryMaury High School10Emily Priest '25
Commodores 1Lenox Wakefield '271-4
Madeline Ballard '255-6
2ChristchurchChristchurch School11Wyatt Lipp '28
Seahorses 1Cindy Zhang '28
3Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School25Jessie Hanenburg '30 *
OaksAdam Hauselman '30
4YorkYork High School34Dylan Thomas '28
FalconsTyler Compton '28
5KecoughtanKecoughtan High School39Kieran Mason '26
WarriorsLillian Melzer '28
6ChristchurchChristchurch School40Jackson McGrady '26
Seahorses 2Carly Moss '28
7GraftonGrafton High School42Felix Susta '27
ClippersEzekiel Hurst '25
8ChristchurchChristchurch School50Carlos Ruiz Ibanez '27
Seahorses 3Eleanor Lorenzen '28
9Heritage High School - VA55Chase Young '281
Heritage - VATyler Slemp '251-2,5-62
Ryan Stokes '283-41
10Frank W. CoxFrank W. Cox High School61Thatcher Elliott '271-6
FalconsSteven Utley '271-4
Olivia Jensen '275-6
11Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy63Vera Hartz '261-2,5-6
Emma Tartiere-Martinez '283-4
BulldogsJuliana Libby '28
12The HagueThe Hague School65Levi Stillman '25
TritonsAiden Dillon '28
13Peninsula CatholicPeninsula Catholic High School73Elias Bowes '273
KnightsGenevieve Collett '251-2,5-63
Colin Moorhouse '273-43
14PoquosonPoquoson High School84Raquel Theriault '264
IslandersRozlyn Theriault '294
15Catholic HSCatholic High School89Brandon Skaredoff '27
CrusadersNoah Webber '26
16MauryMaury High SchoolMRP100Samuel Rogge '28
Commodores 2Rylie Bowen '27
1Phoebus sailor
2Kecoughtan sailor
3Maury sailor
4Tabb sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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