2025 Rose Bowl Regatta - HS SILVER

Scores for Division B

1Mira CostaMira Costa High School17Palmer Mays '27
MustangsIsla Cooper '29
2Mission BayMission Bay High School55Josh Kozak '251-8
BuccaneerAlexander Martin '281-6
Anna Huber '267-8
3Gig HarborGig Harbor High School75Nico Konyk '25
TidesCharlie Yando '28
4The Bishop'sBishop's School80Maxfield Payne '251,6
Cameron Rosso '272-5,7-8
KnightsCameron Rosso '271,6
Maxfield Payne '252-5,7-8
*5BainbridgeBainbridge High School81Daniel Chapman '271-8
SpartansHattie Madia '281-6
Atlas Montgomery '277-8
*6Francis ParkerParker81Fia Cattaneo '27
ParkerMia Turner '27
7South TorranceSouth Torrance High School87Reese Lieser '25
SpartansKatie Traylen '271-6
Zoe Yiakas '297-8
8San Pedro High School93Gwen Hildebrand '25
PiratesNiko Seiple '27
9The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco96Gus Gossett '27
BreakersLelio Maurillo '25
**10San DomenicoSan Domenico High School97Seamus Crain '26
PanthersXander Helming '26
**11OlympiaOlympia High School97Alyssa Leong '26
Bears 1Cate Griffith '27
12RedwoodRedwood High School101Whitney Feagin '27
GiantsLauren Crawford '27
b13CoronadoCoronado Islanders105Zak Stone '271-4,7-8
Fiona Toohey '285-6
IslandersWilliam Bosworth '271-8
b14Los AlamitosLos Alamitos High School105Mathilde Smith '261-2,5-6
Cameron Farmer '253-4,7-8
GriffinsHenry Tran '281-2,5-6
Josh Mee '283-4,7-8
15Design TechDesign Tech High School109Tibet Saldamli '281-10
DragonsArushi Lee '281-10
c16Harvard-WestlakeHarvard-Westlake112Helena Salas '25
Harvard-WestlakeMira Goldman '27
c17La JollaLa Jolla High School112Malia Wilke '281-2,5-6
Trevor Dunklee '263-4,7-8
VikingsOwen Sterbenz '281-2,5-6
Katie McQuaid '283-4,7-8
18John T. HoggardJohn T. Hoggard High School119Emmy Teer '25
Vikings VarsityGeorge Adams '25
19AnacortesAnacortes High School128Allison Lehmann '26
SeahawksJuniper Reiss-Landreau '27
20CapitalCapital High School135Alijah Manzanares '25
CougarsSeher Kasmani '27
21AlamedaAlameda High School138Logan Schwimmer '26
HornetsZach Siskind '28
22OlympiaOlympia High School147Cameron Leclair '27
Bears 2Connie Chen '28
23SF University HSSF University High School157Alice Newmeyer '251-2,7-8
Chloe Eenmaa '283-6
Red DevilsChloe Eenmaa '281-2
Aristu Sachdev '283-4,7-8
Alice Newmeyer '255-6
24New Trier HSNew Trier HS167Ralph Lipford '271-2,5-6
Davis Levy '283-4,7-8
TrevianPaula Kowalczyk '261-2
Gabriel Vegas '273-6
Camila Benes '267-8
25Pacific Palisades ChPacific Palisades Charter High School169Marin Purdy '28
Pacific Palisades ChRaphael Einzig '28
26St. JosephSt. Joseph High School171Brooks Vogt '281
JestersSienna Cadarette '261
27The UrbanThe Urban School191Mackenzie Burns '28
BluesDakota Burns '28
28Palos VerdesPalos Verdes High School232No show
Sea KingsNo show
*Number of high-place (5) finishes
**Head-to-head tiebreaker
bNumber of high-place (6) finishes
cNumber of high-place (4) finishes
1Valley Christian sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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