2025 Rose Bowl Regatta - HS SILVER

Scores for Division A

1Los AlamitosLos Alamitos High School28Stewart McCaleb '26
GriffinsSavvy Harris '29
2SF University HSSF University High School54James Franzone '27
Red DevilsReeve Char '27
3OlympiaOlympia High School60Liam Taylor '25
Bears 2Jessica Patton '26
4Mission BayMission Bay High School69Loki Barrett '261-8
BuccaneerMaeve McGovern '261-8
5John T. HoggardJohn T. Hoggard High School74Finn Bell '26
Vikings VarsityEleanor Wright '26
6Harvard-WestlakeHarvard-Westlake77Matthew Commons '25
Harvard-WestlakeSean Ozalpasan '25
7CapitalCapital High School88Aidan Budelman '25
CougarsRyan Solie '25
8Gig HarborGig Harbor High School89Finn Deprez '25
TidesNate Dietrich '26
9South TorranceSouth Torrance High School98Joaquin DesRochers '25
SpartansArianna Yiakas '271-2,5-8
Zoe Yiakas '293-4
10AlamedaAlameda High School99Chase Carson '25
HornetsSabine Lee '25
11The UrbanThe Urban School103Henry Scalise '26
BluesAdabella London '281-2,5-6
Paloma Seligman '283-4,7-8
12Francis ParkerParker109Emily Otto '26
ParkerFabiola Bahrenburg '28
13RedwoodRedwood High School112Nathan Posard '25
GiantsOnnalie Anela '27
14CoronadoCoronado Islanders118Trey Gregory '261-8
IslandersCailey Song '271-8
*15San Pedro High School124Nicholas Parsnik '26
PiratesStephanie Roney '26
*16The Bishop'sBishop's School124Celeste Oder '26
KnightsNico Bravo '281-2,5-10
Baron Li '273-4
17The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco129Oscar Melet '27
BreakersMaya Urfer '25
18St. JosephSt. Joseph High School130Elizabeth Nash '28
JestersKaya Gagnon '27
19Design TechDesign Tech High School133Skye Crawford '251-10
DragonsJohn Nix '251-10
20BainbridgeBainbridge High School142Cyrus Yan '261-8
SpartansCharlotte Cheng-Sun '261-4,7-8
Atlas Montgomery '275-6
21La JollaLa Jolla High School147Maggie Ugoretz '28
VikingsMadeline Ehlert '26
22Mira CostaMira Costa High School148Gabe Hasen '25
MustangsTruman Schroeder '281-2,5-8
Sailor Mays '293-4
**23San DomenicoSan Domenico High School152Merritt Sellers '26
PanthersCara Parks '27
**24New Trier HSNew Trier HS152Olivia Gingue '261-8
TrevianCamila Benes '261-6
Paula Kowalczyk '267-8
25AnacortesAnacortes High School156Aeden Peterson '251-2,5-6,9-10
Will Peters '253-4,7-8,11-12
SeahawksWill Prewitt '271-4,7-10
Will Peters '255-6
Aeden Peterson '2511-12
26OlympiaOlympia High School163Simone Reck '27
Bears 1Faye Hervieux '26
27Pacific Palisades ChPacific Palisades Charter High School172Oliver '27
Pacific Palisades ChKatelyn Chang '27
28Palos VerdesPalos Verdes High School208Leland Howard '26
Sea KingsGeorge Faragallah '27
*Number of high-place (5) finishes
**Number of high-place (1) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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