2024 SAISA Cressy Qualifier ILCA 6 Male

Score summary

1Jake Homberger '254141
2Lucy BeckhamNathan Pine '267878
3Saint Thomas AquinasCole Fanchi '269393
4Lucy BeckhamJames Pine '269696
5Immaculata La SalleDavid Mateo Coates '27100100
6Emmett Debs '26131131
7Jonathon Schwartz '25144144
8Jackson Wilcox '27145145
9Jan Mistak '25156156
10Gulliver PreparatoryAlfonso Lanseros '27184184
11Alessandro Gregori '25188188
12WestminsterWill Barnhart '25189189
13Ryder Ellis '27192192
14Immaculata La SalleBeck Brill '27195195
15MAST AcademyOliver Holt '26197197
16AntillesRobert Richards '25217217
17Miami Beach Senior221221
18John Hartney '28241241
*19MAST AcademyDavide Bazzoni '26254254
*20Immaculata La SalleLeonardo Tarzani '27254254
21RiverviewJason Folvig '26262262
22Out-of Door Academy267267
23Ransom EvergladesAntonio de Andrade '27271271
24Ransom EvergladesBrayden Zawyer '28274274
25Pine CrestMiles Julien '27280280
26Wyatt Furman '26349349
27Blake Vincent '27362362
28Saint Thomas AquinasPierce Weber '27372372
29Saint Thomas AquinasEmilio '28382382
30Saint Thomas AquinasFynn du Plessis '26428428
31Cole Wall '25438438
32MAST AcademyTheodore McCormick '26441441
33Gulliver PreparatoryAfonso Cruz '26485485
34MAST AcademyNathaniel McCormick '28488488
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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