Scores for Division A

1AlamedaAlameda High School27Reid Sojka '26
Hornets 2Tristan Banthi '28
2RedwoodRedwood High School33Rhett Krawitt '26
Giants 3Whitney Feagin '27
3StevensonStevenson School36Patrick O'Hara '27
Pirates 1Claire Lee '26
4AlamedaAlameda High School37Joby Overton '26
Hornets 3Aubrie Grimes '26
5CarlmontCarlmont41Carter Newhauser '28
The ScotsLuca Mejia-Young '281
6St. Ignatius CollegeSt. Ignatius College Prep - San Francisco49Marina Priskich '25
WildcatsLauren Yu '27
7Mountain View High School (CA)55William Jojarth '27
Mountain View 2Riley Vo '25
8RedwoodRedwood High School60Beckett Kern '28
Giants 1Luke Pialloux '28
9The UrbanThe Urban School61Henry Scalise '26
BluesAvi Katzman '26
10Design TechDesign Tech High School77Will Kizer '25
Dragons 3Sam Cheng '25
11Convent & StuartConvent and Stuart Hall High Schools78Mila Kane '25
CubsMaya Youssef '28
12Mountain View High School (CA)84Liberty Evans '26
Mountain View 1Adrian Maciuca '25
13RedwoodRedwood High School92Nathan Posard '25
Giants 2Jackson Kurtowicz '28
14Design TechDesign Tech High School94Tibet Saldamli '28
Dragons 2Arushi Lee '28
15SF University HSSF University High School100James Franzone '27
Red DevilsTJ Walsh '28
*16The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco104Oscar Melet '27
Breakers 3Anna Rauh '26
*17RedwoodRedwood High School104Blake Oberbauer '25
Giants 4Zara Pavelka '26
*18StevensonStevenson School105Liah Yamamura '26
Pirates 2Dillan Spence '27
*19Oakland TechnicalOakland Technical High School105Hera Handy-Madsen '27
Oakland Tech 2Teagan Ezakovich '27
20Oakland TechnicalOakland Technical High School108Garrett Connorton '27
Oakland Tech 1Tenzin Pahl '271-4
Emilio Bottrell-Rogers '275-62
21The Nueva School112Max Kaufman '26
The NuevaAgata Iachello '26
**22St Mary's CollegeSaint Mary's (Berkeley, CA)132Shea Baggeroer '27
VarsityKatie Koh '273
**23San DomenicoSan Domenico High School132Seamus Crain '26
PanthersZach Mar-Elia '27
24The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco134Gus Gossett '27
Breakers 1Nola Jesenko '26
25Design TechDesign Tech High School135Skye Crawford '25
Dragons 1Arushi Lee '28
26The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco147Milo Sperry '25
Breakers 2Asher Ellis '271-2,5-6
JT Scott '283-4
27MiramonteMiramonte High School148Giulia Delling '26
MatadorsZoe Miller '29
28AlamedaAlameda High School150Logan Schwimmer '26
Hornets 1Sabine Lee '251-3
Charles Maxey '254-6
29St. Joseph Notre DamSt. Joseph Notre Dame HS - Alameda, CA152Melina Ahrens '27
St Joseph Notre Dame 1Ella Schwartz '27
30Pacific GrovePacific Grove High School155Kieran Sherlock '251-5
BreakersTyra Liljegard '251-5
31StevensonStevenson School169Tommy O'Hara '29
Pirates 3Ryan Ferguson '28
32TamalpaisTamalpais High School183Reid Imwalle '261-2,5-6
Cameron Collman '263-4
Red Tailed HawksGabe Heller '27
33StevensonStevenson School187Nate Burgstone '28
Pirates 4Marc Cheung '28
34PiedmontPiedmont High School195Elliana Anderson '28
VarsitySophie Hess '25
35St. Joseph Notre DamSt. Joseph Notre Dame HS - Alameda, CA197Tyrus Hall '27
St Joseph Notre Dame 2cecilia de la Torre '262
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
**Number of high-place (8) finishes
1Serra sailor
2Berkeley sailor
3Head Royce sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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