2024 NP3 (JV/Composite)

Scores for Division A

1Chapin HSChapin High School14Anna Kate Horton '251
Varsity SailingMathew Hassinger '29
2John T. HoggardJohn T. Hoggard High School18Olivia Burdette '25
Vikings Varsity 2Lawson Kievit '27
3First Flight High School22Noah Phillips '282
Nighthawks JVCSeaton Hawpe '291-3,5-62
Leon Sallida '254
4Eugene AshleyEugene Ashley High School32Lola Joh '293
Screaming EaglesViolet Derry '271-3
Elsa Stinson '284-6
5John T. HoggardJohn T. Hoggard High School38Petra Humphrey '25
Vikings Varsity 1Miles DeVoid '25
6North Carolina School of Science & Math41
North Carolina of S
7New HanoverNew Hanover High School43Lucian Lerose '271-3
Jack Reuter '254-64
WildcatsJack Reuter '251-34
Lucian Lerose '274-6
8Lake Norman Charter47Maggie Gross '251-3,5-6
Austin Gerst '2945
Lake Norman CharterAllen Cox '271-36
Jackson Anter '2746
Austin Gerst '295-65
9Raleigh Charter High School53Jack Boucher '267
JVAaron VanMatre '27
10James Island CharterJames Island Charter High School54Jacob Folk '29
VarsityIsabelle Stewart '29
11WaccamawWaccamaw High School55Virginia (GG) Smith '26
Waccamaw WarriorsLucas Sellers '281-3
Liam Crosby '284-6
12AquinasAquinas High School58
Fighting Irish
13Ashley HallAshley Hall75Avery Steele '28
PanthersOlivia Skoub '261-3
Elena Hollister '264-6
1Dreher sailor
2Cape Hatteras Second sailor
3John T. Hoggard sailor
4Southeast Area Techn sailor
5Pine Lake Prep sailor
6Hough HS sailor
7Cary Academy sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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