Nor Cal 2 Silver Fleet

Scores for Division A

1RedwoodRedwood High School18Whitney Feagin '271-2
Henry Vare '263-5
GiantsHenry Vare '261-2
Whitney Feagin '273-5
2StevensonStevenson School21Patrick O'Hara '27
Pirates 3Dillan Spence '27
3CarlmontCarlmont33Ward Brouwer '24
The ScotsKarsten Brouwer '27
4StevensonStevenson School39Tibet Kilic '24
Pirates 1Tyler Hwang '26
5Convent & StuartConvent and Stuart Hall High Schools41Jack Wicker '27
CubsSebastian Gebler '27
6St. Joseph Notre DamSt. Joseph Notre Dame HS - Alameda, CA47Luke Probst '26
St Joseph Notre DameMelina Ahrens '27
7AlamedaAlameda High School54Tristan Banthi '28
Hornets 2Noah Stone '28
*8Design TechDesign Tech High School55Skye Crawford '25 2Donovan Techel '25
*9Crystal Springs UplaCrystal Springs Uplands School55Stefan Luedtke '24
GriffinsOlivia Feng '271,3
Sofia Risso '262,4
10MiramonteMiramonte High School57Giulia Delling '26
MatadorsZahra Alexander '24
11Marin AcademyMarin Academy59Colin Holzwarth '25
WildcatsWilliam Larson '25
12TamalpaisTamalpais High School68Bea Littler '27
Red Tailed Hawks 1Taylor Murdock '27
13Palo Alto HighPalo Alto High69Cal Currier '24
VikingsMira Stettner '27
14StevensonStevenson School80Aaron Eagle '27
Pirates 2Claire Lee '26
15Design TechDesign Tech High School84William Jorjarth '27 1Sebastian Lin '26
16The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco85Gus Gossett '27
BreakersJT Scott '281,3,5
Coral Buono '242,4
17Design TechDesign Tech High School86Grant Sloan '25 4Lorelai Hartman '25
18GunnHenry M. Gunn High School87Jaiden Jacobs '24
TitansMark Novak '28
19InternationalThe International School of San Francisco88Charlie Fine '25
Jaguars 1Flora Ebringer '27
20Design TechDesign Tech High School96Will Kizer '25 3John Nix '25
*21San DomenicoSan Domenico High School105Dylan Song '25
Panthers 1Zach Mar-Elia '27
*22TamalpaisTamalpais High School105
Red Tailed Hawks 2
23San DomenicoSan Domenico High School107Praire Press '26
Panthers 2Xander Helming '26
24Archbishop RiordanArchbishop Riordan108Nolan Balocki '27
RiordanKaia Burris '27
25St. Ignatius CollegeSt. Ignatius College Prep - San Francisco120Alex Shum '27
WildcatsDimitri Dimitrov '27
*26BerkeleyBerkeley High School123Alistair Spencer Mork '25
Yellowjackets 2Shiva Stickland '25
*27InternationalThe International School of San Francisco123Lusia Foster '261,4
Theo Li '252-3,5
Jaguars 2Katharine MacKenzie '24
28TamalpaisTamalpais High School130Reid Imwalle '26
Red Tailed Hawks 4Ronan Corbit '27
29TamalpaisTamalpais High School133Genevieve Cantin '25
Red Tailed Hawks 3Gabe Heller '27
30PiedmontPiedmont High School141Micaela Jorcino '24
VarsityPeter Stokes '24
31EncinalEncinal High School143Elie Woodward '27
JetsOscar Abrons '27
32AlbanyAlbany High School (CA)147Luke Tangherlini '24
VarsityAlex Bowen '25
33AlamedaAlameda High School152Logan Schwimmer '26
Hornets 1Charles Maxey '25
34BerkeleyBerkeley High School155Lila Rodet '271-2,5
Abbigal Starkey '253-4
Yellowjackets 1Lillian Johansson '261-2,51
Cato Escamilla Geisler '233-4
35Marin CatholicMarin Catholic159Zoe Bruce '26
WildcatsVictoria Krauss '27
36San DomenicoSan Domenico High School160Seamus Crain '26
Panthers 3Willem Morrow '27
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1Bentley sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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