2023 Anteater Regatta - GOLD

Scores for Division B

1Point LomaPoint Loma High School28Wyatt Kelly '261-8
Pointers 2Preston Miller '241-8
2Mater DeiMater Dei High School46Noah Stapleton '251-12
Monarchs 1Hannah Crompton '261-12
3Point LomaPoint Loma High School50Harrison Strom '241-8
Pointers 1Olive Kanemasu '271-8
4Mater DeiMater Dei High School52Tate Christopher '251-12
Monarchs 2Madison Mansour '261-12
5Santa MonicaSanta Monica High School53Jordan Janov '24
VikingsJoszef Hurtado '26
6Mater DeiMater Dei High School54Brady Kennedy '251-8
Monarchs 3Madison Jones '261-8
7Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School72Michael Sentovich '261-10
Sea Kings 1Julia Getter '261-10
8Santa BarbaraSanta Barbara High School76Dylan Seawards '26
DonsNiko Barbee '27
9Point LomaPoint Loma High School77Kousei Hatter '271-8
Pointers 3Kate Joslin '241-8
10Francis ParkerParker84Ava Gustafson '24
ParkerDominic Ciccimaro '25
11RedwoodRedwood High School102Mark Xu '261-12
Giants 1Xander Mann '261-12
12RedwoodRedwood High School111Rhett Krawitt '261-12
Giants 2Parker Stacy '261-12
13Mission BayMission Bay High School116Loki Barrett '261-8
Buccaneer 2Ian Steinberger '261-4
Maeve McGovern '265-8
14CrossroadsCrossroads117Vivi Lagutenko '27
VarsityLeticia Lagutenko '28
15Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School124Nevin Elliott '261-6
Maddie Nichols '277-8
Sea Kings 3Ashley Turner '251-4
Isabel Lewis '265-10
16CoronadoCoronado Islanders125Kevin Cason '271-2,5-6
Max Olson '243-4,7-8
IslandersTrey Gregory '261-2,5-8
Wyatt Riebe '243-4
17Newport HarborNewport Harbor High School128Charlotte Carmichael '271-8
Sailors 1Samantha Villard '261-4
Hampton Tester '245-6
Olivia Norton '277-8
18Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School132Siena Nichols '271-10
Sea Kings 2Joshua VanWaardenburg '241-10
19San MarcosSan Marcos High School142Sam Wells '26
Knights 1Taylor Escola '27
20Los AlamitosLos Alamitos High School143Mathilde Smith '261-2,8
Megan Farmer '283-7
GriffinsMegan Farmer '281-2,8
Mathilde Smith '263-7
21Point LomaPoint Loma High School145Madilyn Anderson '251-2,5-6
Holland Vierling '273-4,7-8
Pointers 4Kristin Hawkins '251-2,5-6
Taylor Ashton '263-4,7-8
22San MarcosSan Marcos High School154Ryan Wells '26
Knights 2Paul McClain '26
23Newport HarborNewport Harbor High School155Vance Khamsi '271-6
Cash Espinoza '257-8
Sailors 2Milo Hostettler '251-4,7-8
Chloe Curtin '275-6
24La JollaLa Jolla High School176Alex Kamahi '261-8
VikingsNakeen Sarraf '251-4
Madeline Ehlert '265-8
25Mission BayMission Bay High School188Josh Kozak '251-8
Buccaneer 1Indigo Craig '251-8
*26La Jolla Country DayLa Jolla Country Day School208Rylan Stewart '251-8
TorreysWilla Mischler '271-2,5-6
Anna Lo '273-4,7-8
*27The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco208Maya Urfer '25
BreakersOscar Melet '27
28St. Ignatius CollegeSt. Ignatius College Prep - San Francisco211Miles White '251-2,5-6
Miles Coleman '253-4,7-8
WildcatsAlex Shum '271-2,5-6
Mikah Panisik '253-4,7-8
29Brophy College Preparatory216Teague Walker '261-8
Brophy College PrepaKilian Walker '281-8
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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