SAISA South Points #2 JV

Scores for Division A

1Ransom EvergladesRansom Everglades School8Ava Mc Aliley '26
Raiders 1Lucas Lippey '25 *1-2
Kayra Serpenguzel '253-5
2Immaculata La SalleImmaculata La Salle High School13Keith Grupenhoff '25
Royal LionsSoleil Aurignac '25
3SarasotaSarasota High School19Nills Wheeler '26
SailorsKyan Clark '25
4Saint Thomas AquinasSt. Thomas Aquinas High School21Marin Redmond '28
RaidersIsabel Viega '28
5Jensen BeachJensen Beach High School23Alexander Getzels '26
Falcons 2Tilden Coate '26
6Ransom EvergladesRansom Everglades School28Audrey Caplow '25
Raiders 2Lucia Martinez-Moure '25 *
7St. Petersburg High School34Adam Mendelblatt '26
Green DevilsJad Abedrabbo '261-2
Ava Shakespeare '253-5
8Jensen BeachJensen Beach High School35Austin Peterson '23
Falcons 1Genevieve Osborn '26
9South ForkSouth Fork High School48Brady Koren '24
SF BULLDOGSRuby Suereth '241-2,5
Angel Black '243-4
10Gulliver PreparatoryGulliver Preparatory School50Afonso Cruz '26
RaidersAndreas Infante '24
11Seminole High School52Beatriz Newland '23
SeminoleGrace Moring '24

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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