NorCal #2 Silver

Scores for Division A

1The UrbanThe Urban School17Isabelle Lawson '231-3
Zach Gordon '244-7
BluesStella Reynaga '24
2StevensonStevenson School24Luc DuPreez '23
PiratesSadie Marinerstein '24
3St. Ignatius CollegeSt. Ignatius College Prep - San Francisco25Beckett Shinn '25
Wildcats 1Brooke Hiller '251-3,6-7
Miles White '254-5
4San DomenicoSan Domenico High School29Evie Littler '24
PanthersRafael Sanchez '221-2,5-7
Owen Chan '233-4
5The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco47Julia Middelton '231-5
Kearney Spillane '246-7
BreakersKearney Spillane '241-3
Max Borgiotti '254-5
Julia Middelton '236-7
*6Convent & StuartConvent and Stuart Hall High Schools49Clementine Mohun '221-4,6-7
Madeline Richardson '225
CubsMadeline Richardson '221-4,6-7
Clementine Mohun '225
*7BerkeleyBerkeley High School49Sage Dillemuth '23
Yellowjackets 1Jade Richheimer '23
8St Mary's CollegeSaint Mary's (Berkeley, CA)53Claire Abboud '24
VarsityMarin Hillyard '241
9St. Ignatius CollegeSt. Ignatius College Prep - San Francisco55Audrey Whitney '22
Wildcats 2Will Devine '22
10MiramonteMiramonte High School60Austin Teodorovic '24
MatadorsTristan Anderle '241-2,5-6
Devin Stuffmann '263-4,7
*11InternationalThe International School of San Francisco73Brady Moore '231-2,6-7
Charlie Kontrabecki '233-5
JaguarsCharlie Kontrabecki '231-2,6-7
Brady Moore '233-5
*12BerkeleyBerkeley High School73Millay Metz '22
Yellowjackets 2Cody Levine '22
13PiedmontPiedmont High School83Daniel Banin '241-2,6-7
Alex Zalewski '233-5
VarsityMicaela Jorcino '241-2,5
Conor Kim '233-4,6-7
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1Bishop O'Dowd sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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