NYISA-SE Fleet Champs


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

Bay ShoreBay Shore Marauders1133557
RyeRye Garnets2244661
St. John the BaptistSt. John the Baptist Cougars3355772
The Stony BrookThe Stony Brook Bears4466113
Unregistered-MASSA Pirates 15577224
Unregistered-MASSA Pirates 26611335
Unregistered-MASSA Pirates 37722446

B Division

Bay ShoreBay Shore Marauders2244661
RyeRye Garnets3355772
St. John the BaptistSt. John the Baptist Cougars4466113
The Stony BrookThe Stony Brook Bears5577224
Unregistered-MASSA Pirates 16611335
Unregistered-MASSA Pirates 27722446
Unregistered-MASSA Pirates 31133557