2018 Norcal 4 Silver Fleet


Remain in initially assigned boat throughout.

A Division

BerkeleyBerkeley Yellowjackets 16464646464
BerkeleyBerkeley Yellowjackets 25959595959
BerkeleyBerkeley Yellowjackets 36060606060
BerkeleyBerkeley Yellowjackets 49595959595
Convent & StuartConvent & Stuart Cubs88888
Design TechDesign Tech d.tech 13434343434
Design TechDesign Tech d.tech 23333333333
Harbor HighHarbor High Pirates106106106106106
Head RoyceHead Royce Jayhawks5252525252
InternationalInternational Jaguars77777
Los GatosLos Gatos Wildcats105105105105105
Lowell Cardinals 15858585858
Lowell Cardinals 21313131313
Mountain View (CA) Mountain View3535353535
PiedmontPiedmont Varsity 14545454545
PiedmontPiedmont Varsity 25050505050
RedwoodRedwood Giants 1123123123123123
RedwoodRedwood Giants 21616161616
School of Arts SF SOTA3030303030
San DomenicoSan Domenico Panthers Silver 1136136136136136
San DomenicoSan Domenico Panthers Silver 2135135135135135
San Francisco San Francisco 111111
San Francisco San Francisco 222222
StevensonStevenson Pirates9797979797
TamalpaisTamalpais Red Tailed Hawks 17979797979
TamalpaisTamalpais Red Tailed Hawks 2140140140140140
The Bay  of San FranThe Bay of San Fran Breakers 18383838383
The Bay  of San FranThe Bay of San Fran Breakers 28282828282
The Bay  of San FranThe Bay of San Fran Breakers 38181818181
The UrbanThe Urban Blues66666