Pumpkin Regatta

Scores for Division B

1Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South High School26Dominic Dulac '20
Blue Devils (Mixed)Jacob Schaupeter '211-4,7-8
John Walton '185-6
2Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood40Matthew Tan '19
Cranbrook BlueBonnie Zhu '19
3Grosse IleGrosse Ile High School54Meghan Dieball '20
Red Devils ScarletNeil Quinlan '17
4East Grand RapidsEast Grand Rapids55caroline grin '21
Varsity Mixed 1annika lampan '211-6
bella kirchgessner '197-8
*5Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South High School57Ashley Strong '20
Yellow (Mixed)Matthew Schulte '201-4
Taft Peck '185-8
*6Traverse City CentraTraverse City Central57Olivia Wilson '18
VarsityDrew Snyder '19
7Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South High School62Eva Paschke '20
Gold (Mixed)Luc Walz '201-4,7-8
Caroline Seski '175-6
8Grand HavenGrand Haven High School79Max Curtiss '19
GH BlueNicholas Garvale '19
**9Grand HavenGrand Haven High School81Derek Hartman '22
MixedEthan Walburg '19
**10East Grand RapidsEast Grand Rapids81max ralston '20
Varsity Mixed 2hazel mcgovern '211-6
simon rockwell '207-8
11Detroit Country DayDetroit Country Day School86Kaya Donat '20
GhostMichael Williams '20
12West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield High School87Matthew Elliot '20
PumpkinsShane Sanghvi '19
13Traverse City WestTraverse City West90Nick Gustafson '18
VarsitySara Gustafson '17
14Grosse IleGrosse Ile High School100Dale Garner '17
Red Devils GreyFaith Gaertner '20
15West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield High School104Anthony Dziuba '211-2,5-8
Jack Turpin '213-4
MIXED SkeletonsJack Turpin '211-2,5-8
Anthony Dziuba '213-4
16St. Francis  TraversSt. Francis High School Traverse City114Annie Myler '20
St Francis GladiatorMaryFrances Myler '18
17Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood116Jami Male '20
Cranbrook WhiteKenzie Smith '17
18Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood119Bella Schincariol '191
MixedKeegan Aerts '211
19West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield High School126Jake Elsen '211-2,5-8
Bryce VandenAvond '193-4
Trick or Treat MIXEDBryce VandenAvond '191-2,5-8
Jake Elsen '213-4
20Grosse Pointe NorthGrosse Pointe North High School132Teddy Prokop '19
NorsemenMcLellan '19
*Number of high-place (1) finishes
**Number of high-place (5) finishes
1Grand Haven sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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