2014 Norcal 2 Silver

Scores for Division A

1St Mary's CollegeSaint Mary's (Berkeley, CA)8Sofia Kirkman '17
VarsityThomas Zenner '191
2GunnHenry M. Gunn High School17Elizabeth Avdanina '16
TitansNoah Gordon '18
3Harbor HighHarbor High School26Ian Collignon '16
Harbor PiratesChloe Long '19
4CampolindoCampolindo High School27Cooper LaRhette '17
Cougars 2Niko Vo '18
5Monte VistaMonte Vista High School31Michael Lively '18
MustangsThomas Laskarzewski '18
*6MiramonteMiramonte High School35Thomas Erisman '19
MatadorsDaniel Erisman '19
*7Bishop O'DowdBishop O'Dowd High School35Simon Boeger '19
VarsitySam Showalter '18
8BerkeleyBerkeley High School37Wu Newell '15
Varsity 2Ricky Orozco '15
**9KirbyKirby School45Josselyn Verutti '17
Kirby Varsity 2Spencer Frawley '162
**10RedwoodRedwood High School45Ian Roddy '18
Giants 2Liam Farese '18
11Half Moon BayHalf Moon Bay High School46Sam Reynolds '17
CougarsJacob (Jake) Glenn '173
12Monte Vista ChristiaMonte Vista Christian School48Kate Chandler '17
Monte Vista MustangsAmy Ely '16
13KirbyKirby School57Olivia Beers '17
Kirby Varsity 1Ben Risley '17
**14Pacific GrovePacific Grove High School58Dalton Muck '19
Varsity 1Zoe Gleason '21
**15Menlo-Atherton58Grace Tully '17
Varsity 1Dorothy Aldridge '17
16InternationalThe International School of San Francisco60Sebastian Sponholtz '16
VarsityJade Greer '19
17St. Ignatius CollegeSt. Ignatius College Prep - San Francisco63Isabel de la Torre '16
VarsityEmma McBride '151-2
Allision Bailey '163-4
18Los GatosLos Gatos High School65Max Testa '15
VarsityLelani Bellamy '15
19RedwoodRedwood High School72Kaelin Stock '18
Giants 3Blake Bunney '18
20CampolindoCampolindo High School79Alex Wilson '15
Cougars 1Kristen Zarembinski '19
b21SequoiaSequoia High School88Christian Brown '18
CherokeesNina Heller '19
b22RedwoodRedwood High School88Culley Deisinger '15
Giants 1Sheldon Smart '16
c23The AthenianThe Athenian School89Gabrielle (Gabby) Rigby '15
OwlsJonah Kirmse '17
c24Lycee Francais de SaLycee Francais de San Francisco89Tigran Demurjan '17
VarsityNolwenn Menard '19
25Sir Francis DrakeArchie Williams High School97Cody OCallahan '21
VarsityElise Nicol '181
Sophia Spindell '212
Amada Lipari Maxson '203
Sabrina Meyerson '184
d26Menlo School102Bjorn Antell '17
VarsityIzzy Koningstein '16
d27Summit High School - Redwood, CA102Grant Hallee '15
VarsityWiley Yu '184
28The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco107Ryan Treais '17
BreakersAlexandre Testa '16
29LincolnLincoln High School - Stockton, CA112Jackson Faylor '15
Varsity 1Emily Simpkins '17
30Menlo-Atherton114Ian Rist '19
Varsity 2Ginny Aldridge '20
31BerkeleyBerkeley High School115Oscar Thompson '18
Varsity 1Max Rodman '18
32Davis SeniorDavis High School125James Locker '16
Blue DevilsLucas Vallejo '195
33St. Mary's High School - Stockton, CA126Joshua Lasiter '18
VarsityAndy Zhuang '18
34Pacific GrovePacific Grove High School127Connor Jacobs '19
Varsity 2AnnaGrace Camara '19
35LincolnLincoln High School - Stockton, CA131Ishi Tomita '16
Varsity 2Alex Faylor '17
*Number of high-place (1) finishes
**Number of high-place (4) finishes
bNumber of high-place (17) finishes
cNumber of high-place (19) finishes
dHead-to-head tiebreaker
1Monte Vista sailor
2Aptos sailor
3The Athenian sailor
4Crystal Springs Upla sailor
5Jesuit sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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